IDF Kills Terrorist Preventing Terror Attack

IDF soldiers manning a checkpoint east of Tulkarm on Thursday shot and killed an Arab terrorist who sprayed gunfire in their direction. A spokesman for Islamic Jihad told Ynet that the dead terrorist was supposed to carry out a terror attack at the checkpoint. Three explosive devices were found in his car and were supposed to hurled at the soldiers manning the check-point.

5 Responses

  1. Think Straight: While you may not like the medinah or the phrase “kol Hakavod Latzahal” they did stop a terrorist attack. They stopped Jews from being killed. You don’t have to agree with what is done but credit is due where it is earned. Do you know what it is like to be in a fire fight ? Do you know what it’s like to have to have an M16 over your shoulder (even as a private citizen) and keep watching over your back ?

  2. I have nothing but praise, respect and honor for the brave, wonderful and heroic young men who dedicate some of their best years defending artzeinu hakedoshah. They do as much to protect EY as much as those in the other “trenches” – the Bais Midrash!

    I do have serious issues with the phrase mentioned by the sly, cunning Mr Fox – a phrase made popular by kofrim who wish to deny the Yad Hashem in our soldiers’ successes.

    Mr Fox – if you insist on a Hebrew exclamation to the post here on YW, may I suggest this one: YISHTABACH SHEMO!!!

  3. Dvorah,

    I agree with you. The “sly and cunning” was a play on words – words used to describe the nature of a fox.

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