Israel – Banned From Canadian Passports

canada cover.jpgA Canadian court has upheld the country’s policy of barring Canadian passport holders from listing Jerusalem, Israel, as their birthplace. According to the Jerusalem Post, the Federal Court of Appeal said that the policy doesn’t violate the Charter of Rights. The decision was a defeat for Eliyahu Veffer, 19, the son of a Toronto rabbi who wanted to amend his passport to identify his birthplace as being in Israel.

“There is no evidence that the absence of a country name beside Jerusalem hinders his ability to travel in any way,” the judges said in their opinion.

Veffer has the right to hold any religious views or beliefs on Jerusalem’s nationality, the court said in the newspaper article, but a passport is simply a travel document, not a vehicle for expressing those views.


11 Responses

  1. Where is Jerusalem, in the eyes of the Canadain and American government? We do know the answer, so why does the Israeli govt believe that the US has its best interests as primary.

  2. From all the “TZOROS” that the YIDDEN have in this world and a guy makes a fuss about this?? A “CHILLUL HASHEM”

  3. destro613 – If that happens this won’t change as the US has the same policy (as mentioned earlier by The Town Crier)

    stan the man – Since you are wondering where it is, according to the official policy of the State Departments of the US and Canada (and most Western countries)per the original US Partition agreement Yerushalyim is an International City. Same reason why the Embassy is in Tel Aviv. (This is of course the “Official” reason, the real reason of course is not to upset our dear Arab neighbors).

    For the record, I agree with those above that why of all things to make a fuss about, why pick this.

  4. “All those who do not want a make a fuss, can you enlighten us what you are fussing about today?”

    We fuss about the minor stuff: How to do Mitzvos better; how to learn Torah better; how to raise our children b’derech Yisroel Sabba.

    We let more important people sweat the important stuff like where the Goyim should place Israel on their documents.

  5. What if someone wants to state he’s born in “Eretz Yisroel”,whether it be called ‘Palestine,Judea,Israel’ or called by other names?

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