Arab Youths Seriously Beat Chareidi Man on Egged Bus

egged.jpgThe police in Yerushalayim have arrested three Arab youths who seriously beat a Charedi man on the “Number 1” Egged bus. The bus was travelling on Rechov Malchei Yisroel when the man had apparently told the Arabs to stop harassing & making inappropriate gestures towards Jewish girls who were on the bus. At that point an argument erupted and ended with the man getting seriously beaten. He was treated by Hatzolah & MDA Medics and transported to the hospital with moderate injuries.

18 Responses

  1. Why did no other Jews help him beat the living daylights out of those animals? And don’t give me that narishkit that “Jews are not fighters” – see Tanach or even this weeks parasha. Even if you want to say that we aren’t fighters, it’s still self defense.

  2. but if this happens in newyork, many yw’ers will say to turn the other cheek, look the other way, dont make waves, dont make a tumult, etc.

  3. Kol Hakovad to this frum man for standing up and protecting the girls. How many of us would have done that? Did other passengers or the busdriver assist?

  4. Mark Steyn has a book out called “America Alone”, in it he relates a story in Belgium of a muder on a bus of a man who was defending others from marauding ‘youths’ (muslims). No one helped him, 75% left the bus and only 4 people came forward to give testimony. What this Yid did is highly commendable regardless of the ramifications. To defend Bnos Yisroel against these chamorim is neccessary-period.

  5. Kol Hakavod!!

    what genoi is your problem with the way YW reported the story, i read and reread the article in arutz7 and there doesnt seem to be much difference between them.

  6. It’s impossible to judge anyone without knowing the entire story. From YW’s depiction, it seems like the guy argued with the pere adams that were there, and when they began to beat him up, everyone was too busy to help.

    “Making gestures” can mean anything – were these animals simply being crude and obnoxious, or were they implying they were going to hurt them.

    I do believe it is inappropriate to outright argue with any goyim when they act as they do, unless. of course, there was a sakana to the Jew(s). This is even in Eretz Yisrael, since, as off this writing, Moshiach has not, unfortunately, redeemed Eretz Yisrael yet, either. So if there was a sakana to the girls, I imagine he did the right thing by attempting to defend them. If they were just being rude, I don’t see a reason to provoke/antagonize them, but I could be wrong.

    I would also assume that when they were beating him up, his fellow (Jewish) passengers would have gotten in to help, except that they were fearful of the chamorim, too.

    Let’s not judge, since we aren’t in any position to do so.

  7. HaKatan

    “I would also assume that when they were beating him up, his fellow (Jewish) passengers would have gotten in to help, except that they were fearful of the chamorim, too.”

    Fear? 60+ Jews from 3 Arabs? Does it make sense to be scared? What’s wrong with the Jewish people????

  8. 1. the recent incident in a tel aviv area road where numerous motorists drove by an accident victim instead of waiting to help (covered by yw)

    2. kitty genovese

  9. MiMedinat HaYam

    Not even close to comparable situations – this is two feet in front of everyone else, not driving by or from a window in the dark – everyone was ALREADY involved by being on the bus.

  10. Melech, what if they had knives on them? Have you ever broken up a fight with 3 people beating up 1 guy? This is not the movies where the bad guys get trounced because it looks good. In real life, while the numbers would indicate that they’d eventually be beaten, having 60 people doesn’t help much if none of them know how to fight. Like I said, I don’t know the answer, but, certainly with not knowing the facts, we can’t judge people.

    MiMedinas HaYam: The Tel-Aviv road incident, also, had plenty of people call the authorities to deal with it, and not cause more accidents by crowding a busy intersection with pedestrians who anyways do not know what they are doing. Again, let’s not judge.

  11. 1) 60 PASENGERS???
    most #1 buses dont have 60 people on it

    2) the story on israelnn is very much the same as on YESHIVA WORLD

  12. MiMedinat HaYam



  13. I have been involved in ‘street fighting’ and while I won’t paint a rosy ‘hollywood’ picture of what happens to the bad guys, when a fellow Jew (yes, even a frier yid) is in trouble-you help.
    “Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier” – Gen. Colin Powell USA Ret.
    I can’t imagine that that many Jews just ‘looking the other way’ would happen in Williamsburg. I would imagine the bad guys would be laid up for weeks.

  14. my point is that they were 100% right, the un notwithstanding. (oom, shmoom)

    to YZCCJR — what’s the canadian way.

    by the way, this does not fall into the category of not hitting others during the three weeks (last sif/se-if of shulchan aruch hilhos three weeks). this is a MITZVA.

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