Israel Warns It Might Act on Iranian Warships Passing Through Suez Canal

Israel is monitoring two Iranian warships about to pass through the Suez Canal for Syria and warn they might act.

Israeli’s Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman says that “Israel cannot ignore these provocations,” according to

Lieberman added that the warships was “a provocation that proves Iran’s nerve and self-esteem is growing from day to day.”

Iran announced plans to deploy warships near Israel and dock at a Syrian port for a year, reports.

A senior Israeli official tells the site that “Israel will know how to deal with it.”

The passage is “something which has not happened in many years,” Lieberman said.

“This happens after the Iranian president’s visit to south Lebanon and his aggressive declarations there towards Israel.”

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6 Responses

  1. While Avigdor Lieberman is foreign minister, the only action Israel could take would be military, and that would start a full scale war. Fortunately, Mr. Lieberman has nothing to do with commanding the Israeli armed forces.

    The Suez Canal and adjacent waters are international waters, and interfering with navigation is an act of war (and was a factor in several previous wars during the last century). The same rule that lets Israel use the canal, lets Iran use it.

    Fortunately for the world, both the Iranian leaders and Mr. Lieberman are examples of dogs whose “bark is worse than his bite”.

  2. reply to #1: You are frighteningly naive to say that Ahmadinejad’s bark is worse than his bite. He is fully capable of pulling off the things which he threatened, and is insane enough to carry them out. Regarding Lieberman you seem a little more on target.

  3. The way this appears to me is exactly how the navi says it will be before Moshiach comes. Lets hope and daven that we will all be zoche to the geula shileimah bikarov.

  4. This is just saber rattling, both sides dont need this kind of trouble now and are just putting on a brave show

    Should the Iranians get bold and the Israelis decide its time to solve this militarily, the US government would probably send troops to stop Israel from defending itself and destabilizing the whole region.

    This U.S. administration is not interested in solving any problems, all they want right now is quiet so they can go on trying to create a cradle to grave nanny state.

  5. #1 how disgusting to compare lieberman to those murderers. You are really naive because the suez canal is not meant to ship weapons to terror groups, I guess you do not care if jews die

  6. #4 that is not true they are very active when it comes to trying to bring down the Governments’ of their allies i.e. Egypt, Israel

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