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Another Day….Another Hafganah In Meah Shearim…

hafganah.jpgA few dozen people staged a Hafganah on Thursday in Kikar Shabbos & blocked Rechov Mea Shearim. A few dumpsters were set ablaze as well. They are protesting the recent arrests of three people made during Hafganos in Beit Shemesh – sparked by a municipality campaign to remove illegal signs in the city [as reported HERE on YW].

9 Responses

  1. Nu, so did this hafganah do any good? Or did it just spread more garbage from garbage cans into the streets of the city whose kedushah these people claim to be defending?

  2. My wife says that when she was in college students used to announce that they are having a party for a “just cause.”

    What’s the cause?

    Just ’cause.

  3. I came late to second seder because of them.

    The streets in the naighborhood are still filthy from the recent demonstrations, and now this!

    Please HaShem, Please, Lemaan Yerushalayim Ircha, give them Daas.

  4. being “mocha” is one way of not letting the bad of the commited aviera creep into our systems!( ohr hachaim hakodesh-this weeks parsha)

  5. But being mocha does not mean strewing garbage all over the streets, lighting fires, assualting policemen, or any of the others things that I hear happen at these hafganos.

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