Israeli Man Indicted For Trying To Kill Terrorist After He Stabbed His Wife

An indictment has been filed with the Jerusalem District Court Sunday against a Kiryat Arba resident charged with attempted murder of a Palestinian terrorist who stabbed his wife at a gas station in November 2009. According to the indictment, the defendant, David Mizrahi, 56, tried to run over the Palestinian who was laid upon the ground after being shot by the IDF.

The indictment, filed by attorney Zohar Giat, states that the Palestinian, Waseem Maswadi arrived at the gas station near the entrance to Kiryat Arba carrying a knife and an axe with the intention of carrying out a terrorist attack. He then went into the gas station store and stabbed Tamar Mizrahi in the throat with his knife before going on to stab Moshe Salfati in the back of his head.

The gas station security guard fired at Maswadi – who continued running for 20 meters before falling to the ground. At this point, three soldiers who had been nearby, arrived at the scene after hearing the gun fire.

Maswadi got up and hurled himself at the soldiers with his knife screaming “Allahu Akbar”. In response, the soldiers shot him in legs, and he fell on the spot.

The incident soon drew in curious bystanders, including Mizrahi. According to the indictment, Mizrahi arrived at the scene with the intent to kill the terrorist. At first, Mizrahi attacked one of the victims after mistaking him for the terrorist. When he realized his mistake and noticed Maswadi lying on the middle of the road, he began to drive in his direction in order to run him over.

The prosecution stated that Mizrahi is accused of confirming the identity of the terrorist with the soldiers before committing the crime and then pushing aside the soldiers as he began driving over the terrorist repeatedly – to make sure he was dead.

People at the scene tried to stop the defendant, who was finally stopped when large numbers of military and police forces arrived to clear the scene and evacuate the victims. Maswadi was indicted for carrying out a terrorist attack.

(Source: Ynet)

8 Responses

  1. Aren’t we SUPPOSED to try and kill the terrorist before the terrorist tries to kill anyone else? What am I not getting here?


    After the soldiers wounded this savage by shooting him in the legs, he is taken by ambulance to an Israeli hospital.
    After several complicated surgeries, recuperation, and physical therapy, at a cost of hundreds of thousands of shekels to the tax-payers, he is put in prison where, at great additional cost he is housed and fed and guarded and provided with educational and recreational materials and activities.
    Finally, he is freed (along with dozens of other yishmaeli barbarians) since he doesn’t “have blood on his hands” (after all he only wounded this woman, she did not, B”H, die).
    Three months later he attacks another Jew and a soldier shoots and kills him.

    NOW, look at all the money and aggravation this devoted husband saved the country. Get his car washed and give him a medal!

  3. In “civilized” countries you may only use force until the bad guy is down. “Extreme” force (defined as over doing it) will get you indicted. It happens in america all the time. The problem is that extreme force is very open to interpretation by over-zealous prosecutors.

  4. They should recruit this guy to the army! I don’t get why the media didn’t cover this up like they do all the other times they cover up Israelis killing terrorists?!

  5. I am so disappointed.
    It seems that when I wrote my earlier comment, I misunderstood what happened.
    I thought this fellow succeeded in killing the terrorist.
    Apparently, unfortunately, he didn’t.
    It appears that my fictional alternate ending to the story may well turn out to actually be the truth.

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