Eretz Yisroel: Eight Year-Old Boy Drowns In Pool

An eight-year-old boy R”L drowned in a neighborhood swimming pool in Neveh Netivot near Beersheba on Shabbos morning. The boy’s seven-year-old friend attempted to rescue him and when he had failed to do so, ran to a nearby Shul for help. People attempted to save his life, but was R”L pronounced dead. The pool is not open on Shabbos but the boy and his friend climbed over the fence to access it.

Please, please, please – use caution this summer wherever you might be spending your summer vacation with children around pools.

3 Responses

  1. we should all daven 4 da family of the boy and its nobody’s fault when something like dis happens so we just got 2 be very careful! i my self know cause i have had a near drowning experience and was bh saved by a lifeguard! so as the summer approaches let us all daven 4 safety and do our part in tiring 2 keep safe1

  2. We are seeing these stories way too much. We should all do tshuva now… And quickly… Take the messages to heart. Please.

  3. Yes, tshuva is very important. But I don’t think that’s the issue here. Where I live, besides been fenced in, and locked up, the walls have sharp protrusions on them to ward off any climbers.

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