Yerushalayim: 17 Hurt in Fire

hatzolah israel.jpgNumerous people have been injured in a fire on Rechov Yechezkal at Rechov Shmuel Hanavi in Yerushalayim. Hatzolah, MDA Medics, and the Fire Departments are all on the scene. Boruch Hashem, the initial reports are that the injuries all appear to be minor. Most patients have been transported to Haddasah Ein Kerem Hospital. Amongst the injured are infants and children. (Hatzolah Israel Reporter)

7 Responses

  1. I hoped everyone is well.

    I would be cautious about posting Friday afternoon news from Eretz Yisroel. These sites may be run by people who are Mechallel Shabbos. (Recently I have stopped looking at Israeli newssources later in the day on Friday for that reason ).

    Editors Note: How would we possibly get info from a Frum Hatzolah member if Shabbos already started? Must be………that Shabbos did not start.

  2. OK… my point is that people may read this story and then seek further info from Israeli news sources—> thus causing others (in Israel) to be Mechallel Shabbos.

    A gutten Shabbos to all.

  3. We can’t stop people from doing what they do – it should be obvious from the perspective of this site though, that viewing it on Shabbos or Yom Tov is discouraged (or using it for further research then).

    A formal byline on one of the side columns might be an idea for one of the side columns though, editors. Something to the point but inspiring, like: Shabbos and Yom Tov are meant for the higher Yeshiva World – please view this site before and after.

  4. Modern… And maybe someone in Texas may think about this during Shabbos and hint to someone in Los Angeles, to do something for someone in NY, who in turn may call someone in London, which may lead to chillul Shabbos in Hong Kong…

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