Outgoing Mossad Director Meir Dagan’s Remarks

Following are outgoing Mossad Director Meir Dagan’s remarks at the weekly Cabinet meeting Sunday:

“I admit that that I am not as good at words as most of those sitting here; therefore, I wrote a few remarks.  With your permission Mr. Prime Minister, I would like to read them to the assembled ministers:

Mr. Prime Minister,

At the end of this week, I will transfer command of the Mossad to Tamir Pardo.  He served as my deputy for almost six years.  His appointment is both worthy and correct given the many difficult, complex and complicated challenges facing us and the Mossad.  I would like, before this forum, to wish him heartfelt success.  His will be a tangible contribution to the security of the State of Israel.

I hereby finish over 43 years of service to the state.  I have had the honor and the privilege of leading the Mossad for the past eight years.  With your permission, instead of discussing myself, I would like to say a few words about those who serve in the Mossad.

They are an excellent and unique group of both women and men, who act with originality and daring, who are imbued with a sense of mission, and who work unselfishly night and day.  Usually, they do not have backing and support as a group, nor do they have tank or air assistance, and, in most cases, there is no possibility of rescue.  They operate with the sole protection of their sharp wits, their cover story and their courage.  They cannot even tell their loved ones about what they are doing, and seclusion is their constant companion.  What motivates them is the need to protect the Jewish People and the State of Israel.

I was appointed by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.  I worked under Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, and I received from them, me and my people, their encouragement, support and backing.   I would like, Mr. Prime Minister, to thank you for your support and backing, and I would like to wish you and to the Government of the State of Israel the wisdom to guide the country through stormy seas, and that you will bring Israel to the safe harbors  of peace and security, and will see to the needs of its citizens.  Work to strengthen the ties between the Jewish Diaspora and the State of Israel so that we may uphold the verse in Ezekiel (11:17) ‘I will even gather you from the peoples, and assemble you out of the countries where you have been scattered, and I will give you the Land of Israel.’

I did the best I could.  Thank you very much.”

(YWN Israel Desk)

2 Responses

  1. Until the end I was mad, vos iz mit der Bashefer? Is it only koichi ve-otzem yodi? When I got to the last sentence where he states Yechezkal hanovi, my eyes watered. Yetz redt ehr vi ah Yid.

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