MDA Medics Treat Wounded Fatah Members in Mass Shooting

12:55PM EST: There are reports of a mass shooting at the Erez Crossing a few moments ago. Apparently, Hamas has opened fire at Fatah members attempting to flee the Gaza Strip. MDA and IDF medics were rushed to the scene are are treating the (five) wounded victims at this time. No IDF soldiers are reported to be injured at this time.

3 Responses

  1. Who is like you Israel. Our IDF risk their lives to save people who would kill them in a heart beat.
    KKiewe – Baltimore

  2. 1st do they really think that the halacha of “Meshum Aiva” applies to the murderous members of Fatah?
    And 2nd you’ll never convince those barbariens or the anti-semetic world at large that Israel is the good guy in all the maddness.

  3. That is exactly why my friend stopped donating blood to the MDA. He used to donate blood as often as he was allowed, but when he found out that at times our Jewish blood is given to them [LITERALY] he stopped. He didn’t want his blood to save someone who would kill him in a heartbeat.

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