Jerusalem Municipality Completes Shmittah Preparations

tractor.jpgAs part of Shmittah preparations ordered by Jerusalem Mayor Rabbi Uri Lupoliansky, the Municipal Department for Urban Improvement recently completed extensive work to upgrade and develop landscaping throughout the city at a cost of several million shekels.

Development and gardening work was carried out at new squares in places like the Shmuel Hanovi neighborhood, Ramot, Ramat Eshkol and near Hwy. 1. New squares were built according to a new design model, and at existing squares landscaping work was carried out, such as laying grass and planting trees.

All of the squares were ornamented with various types of perennial flowers that blossom year-round.

As part of the effort to finish planting before the end of the sixth year of the Shmittah cycle, upgrading and development work was also executed in divider strips, where grass and trees were planted and flower planters were placed.

Along with the landscaping projects, the municipality also repaved numerous streets, replaced playground equipment and installed 550 benches and 400 trash containers. Fifty new benches with shade awnings were also installed in public areas and on sidewalks around the city. The Department for Traffic Safety also joined the improvement efforts and in recent weeks completed remarking street divider lines, lane lines and pedestrian crossings. Also 20,0000 flashing reflectors were laid in front of various speed bumps on city streets.

(Source: Dei’ah veDibur)

5 Responses

  1. zionflag,
    I too love Yerushalaim. However, I believe the muicipality couldn’t do a worse job. The streets are filthy, illegal dangerous and ugly construction is everywere, and grafity is all over the place.

  2. I hope that they are also working to get money to support the Yidden who will be unemployed during Shmittah.

    Whenever possible, I rent fertile ground in Eretz Yisrael for Shmittah so that I can get the zchus of keeping Shmittah, and of supporting Israeli farmers who keep Shmittah.

    If anyone is interested, I can find the information on how to help support them (I think one organization is called Keren Hashviis), and post it here. I believe I still have their envelopes and whatever from the last Shmittah.

  3. Wow! Too bad Shemitta doesnt come more often? As an aside, if they were able to “farnaigel” new benches and trash containers on account of shemitta maybe they can also get some money for the mosdos as well.

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