Abbas Declares State of Emergency & Dissolves Government

abbas_supporters.jpgFollowing the Hamas proclaimed victory in Gaza, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has finally decided to declare a state of emergency and to dissolve the Hamas-Fatah coalition government. He also intends to call for the deployment of a multi-national force in Gaza, and plans to appoint a new prime minister, to replace Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas. Following his announcement, Hamas issued a statement saying it rejected Abbas’ decrees, calling them worthless.

9 Responses

  1. This makes the unilateral withdrawl look good. (any comments?)
    Now they have to try to live normaly, and we knew they were not “Mentchen” “Pera odum”

  2. I don’t think that Abbas actually has the authority to do this, unfortunately. More to the point, he probably doesn’t have the backup power to pull it off.

  3. Baal Boose.
    CAN they EVER live like mentchen?
    If the ‘Riboinoi Shel Oilom’ told ‘Avrohom Avinu’ that Yishmoel will be a ‘Pera odum’, they can try as hard as they could, they can’t change that. THEY WILL REMAIN ‘PERA ODUM’.

  4. Just like Germany in 1933, these ‘people’ voted for this situation in a free democratic election. Now that those lobbing missiles into Sderot are the official gov’t in Gaza it cannot be considered the act of ‘militants’ thus it now is a legal act of war committed against a sovereign nation. What would happen if the pakistani gov’t started lobbing muissiles at India, or Mexican Army units started shelling El Paso? Yet Mr olmert says…what?

  5. drfeivel: Interesting point. I wonder, though, because if Hamas gets control, they wil have done so by a coup detat, NOT by an election. So probably the world will STILL fault Israel if they defend themselves, since Hamas isn’t the REAL government there and is invalid, having taken over by force.

    The fact is, Israel can’t win the propaganda war. No matter what they do or don’t do, the goyim will blame Israel for everything, including tsunamis that take place on the other side of the world.

    Don’t you know that Jews are to blame for both capatalism AND communism? For both the American government AND anarchy? For both liberalism AND conservatism? For both hoarding money AND wasteful spending? And on and on.

    It doesn’t have to make sense, so long as they hate Jews and Israel.

  6. To SCY;
    Reread my comment. You are actually agreeing with me.
    R’ Dessler says; An honest person is not a shlemazel, but rather someone who has the opportunity to steal without getting cought,- and doesn’t.
    So too hamas et al.

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