Yerushalayim: Hafganos Underway To Prevent Autopsy Of Infant

An infant was R”L found dead today, and the Israeli Police want to make an autopsy to determine the cause of death.

The 1-year-old girl was pronounced dead earlier Monday afternoon, after the parents called Emergency Personnel and said the child wasn’t breathing.

ZAKA and leading Askonim are currently in talks with police officials, to try and prevent an autopsy.

Hafganos are underway in parts of Yerushalayim, as angry residents take to the streets to protest.

Further details will be posted as they become available to us.

(Yossi Segal – YWN Israel)

24 Responses

  1. Didn’t the see what chilul hashem they made in the previous hafgones?
    These actions do not bring any Positive result. The only ones who could MAYBE get results are the chareidy MKs and those type askunim.

  2. Everyone is the area is mechyiv to participate in the demonstration against these reshoyim who want to defile meisim repeatedly.

  3. “As angry residents take to the streets to protest.”

    Why so angry? Wouldn’t concerned be much more b’kavodik? Don’t they also realize that the police’s intentions are good and therefore should be treated with more respect?

    It is also my understanding that many poskim would allow for an autopsy in such a case where a criminal could be brought to justice and there would be more safety in the Jewish community…?

  4. R. Rueven Grozovsky writes in Bayos-Hazman “in our askunos with the secular regime we need to utilize the ways of Yaacov Ovinu: Doiron=fight in Keneset; Tefilloh; Milchomoh=Hafgonos”. Problem is the Eidah-Hachreidis uses demonstrations too often and it often turns violent.

  5. #8: That question is only on the anti-semitic government in the holy land that purposely insists on autopsies, unlike the American authorities.

    #7: The demonstrations are a Kiddush Hashem of a tremendous magnitude.

  6. #9
    The demonstrations are in no way a kiddush hashem, maby they are to you but to many others they are not. If im not mistaken, isint the rule if somthing you do is a chillul hashem to even one person dont do it?

  7. As long as there is no violence, rock throwing, garbage burning…then a Hafgonah is nothing more than a peacuful protest. Once it gets violent it becomes a huge chillul Hashem and adds to the Chiloni dislike of the apparently fanatical violent crazy Chareidim.

  8. How come its always the same guys organising these hafgones, why don’t they do other good deeds for klal yisroel? While all other kehillos and their rabonim do so much not only for their kehilos but for klal yisroel, and they know that all these hafgones turn violent therfore they never participate. They rather get everthing solved in different ways.

  9. The info in the article is not sufficient to determine if it was a ‘crib death’ type of thing or possible murder. ONe thing for certain, the mafginim not only will break the government’s desire to make an autopsy, they will destroy property and possible cause physical harm to others.

  10. I always wonder how people can claim hafgonos don’t do anything! If so, why in the world doesn’t Yerushalayim not look like Tel Aviv R”L? After all Yerushalayim is the capital!

  11. Why doesn’t Israel invest in one of those body scanners that can determine cause of death without actually cutting? Or would these protesters object to that as well? I understand & agree with the furious objection to an autopsy (i.e., no cutting) but there is an alternative. Use it!

  12. #6: I am not an apologist for the israeli regime, but unfortunately many times riots start unprovoked. Also, by demonstrating too often like against the karta parking lot etc, even if peaceful, they become less effective. The only way to avoid mass Chilul Shabbos is to vote for a Chareidi mayor and city council. After all, even the Divrei Yoel refused to sign against participation in municipal elections.
    With all this, I do support Hafgonos against autopsies if this can’t be resolved peacefully.

  13. It is a proven fact that most most cases of crib death occur after getting their childhood vaccinations. One proof is that in Japan they started postponing all shot until two years old and the rate of SIDS dropped by more than two thirds. We should be protesting against autopsies, but it is also important to protest against vaccines.

  14. How can people here possibly claim that standing up for the halacha is a chillul Hashem? Thousands of people taking to the streets for kavod haTorah is kiddush Hashem in my book.

    “How come its always the same guys organising these hafgones…”

    Who says it is?

    “…why don’t they do other good deeds for klal yisroel?”

    Who says they don’t?

    Jumping to conclusions rather fast, aren’t we?

  15. To all of you who think its a chilul hashem you are exactly the ones who do not belong at the hafganut simply bec. your yirat shamayim needs a boost and your not at the level to take part in such a holy mitzvah. However when you see the ppl. with beards and payus getting smashed on the head with a bat and they need to be dragged away bec. they do not give up and run from pain rather the pain of going against the torah is more paifull to them i give you all a beracha you should be on a level like that one day.

  16. Do any of you understand how many Parental “accidental” Murders and abuses we have had in our community over the last year alone.

    P.S. Thats not counting all the threats of “I’m going to kill the baby” there have been in Yerushalayim alone .

  17. There is a long history of a tendency to unnecessary autopsies in Israel – in fact it was the US government that eventually pressured the Israeli government into a requirement of signed consent to routine autopsies in the late 70’s; frum Jew before that point often avoiding going to the hospital when very sick out o fear of unauthorized autopsies — so this is certainly a sensitive issue.

    It is impossible to create a Chillul Hashem by doing the right thing. There are very specific Halachic definitions of Kiddush Hashem/ Chillul Hashem — it is not “in the eyes of the beholder”. Consult your Rav for specifics!

  18. The baby had a sudden virulent bacterial infection and went from perfectly healthy to Baruch Dayan Emes in less than 24 hours. This was established by a blood test, I understand.

    She was a member of our family. May Hashem store away all the tears and comfort her parents, grandparents and great-grandmother among all the mourners of Tzion and Yerushalayim.

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