Final Decisions on Shame Parade Due On Wednesday

yw new logo2.jpgThe final decisions regarding the June 21st Shame Parade will be publicized by the Yerushalayim Police on Wednesday. The final decisions were postponed due to security concerns. People are hoping that the police will only permit them from holding their filth in an enclosed area – and not on the holy streets of Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh.

7 Responses

  1. All streams of Orthodox Judaism must come out strong against this.

    Would be nice to see a Hafgannah with Haradeis/Chassidim, Shasnikkers, Litvishers and Mitnahalim/modern orthodox all marching as one.

    Can’t our leaders organize this march of unity against this desecration of Hashem’s name?

  2. Hafganah Shmafganah Waste of Time

    Last year the police were going to allow the parade to be held, then the war started and it was postponed due to the war not the protests.

    It was rescheduled and it was to take place until the Vatican complained.

    Stop wasting your time burning trash in the streets.

    Write lettere/petitions to the Pope instead.

  3. menachemmoshe- how about throwing in just a little davening and learning as well… “it was to take place until the Vatican complained” ??actually until G-d decided otherwise…lets be sure to keep a clear head!!!

  4. There is a massive Hafgana planned for 7:00 Israel time wednesday night starting at the “Beis Yisroel Shtieblach.” By the way last time the Hafganas DID help!

  5. TEK, thank you for that. Let us all add some kavonos to our tefillos, say tehillim and beseech HKBH to annul this event, lema’an kedushas shemo.

  6. How about if 500,000 frumme Yidden from America packed their bags and moved to Eretz Yisroel. That would be a first step in increasing the kedusha of klal Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel.

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