Charedi Bus Segregation Ruling Taking Shape In High Court

High Court Judge Elyakim Rubinstein said that the court is planning to accept the Transport Ministry’s recommendation which suggested that the segregation on Charedi bus routes would be voluntary.

Rubinstein made his statements during high Court deliberations on the issue and added that the segregation would be carried out “under the constant supervision of the Transport Ministry”. The decision is not final.

(Source: Ynet)

3 Responses

  1. Its not just the seating arrangment. Boarding and alighting the bus is very uncomfortable for yeshiva bochrim and seminary students. Although its not a touching of “chibah” it still poses a problem. My solution? Don’t ride busses unless its a front door for men back door for women policy. Not reasonable for you? Ok, how about this, when asked how he was zoche to be such a big marbitz torah, Rav Asher Arieli Shlit”a responded that when a young bocher he was povery stricken but when ever he had a extra sheqel he would spend it on a taxi ride to yeshiva and avoid taking a bus and being nichshil in various issurim. The story speak for itself. Folks- now you deceide for yourself.

  2. I travel the 49 alef every day and as far as I know it is voluntary (at least in practice). I have seen many people who were unaware sit in the front and nobody bothered them besides for once when a man went over very nicely and informed them about the policy.
    mr. nister if you are looking to feel uncomfortable you will feel it. If you don’t have in your mind that woman have to make you feel uncomfortable you’ll be ok. Don’t try to be more frum than the rest of the frum world.

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