Yigal Amir’s Wife: He’s Being Tortured

The Supreme Court on Monday discussed an appeal filed by Yigal Amir, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s murderer, over the decision to leave him in solitary confinement for six additional months. During the discussion it was revealed that the State is willing to consider adding another prisoner into Amir’s cell, but that he objects.

Amir said during the discussion that the Shin Bet had an interest and that all he was asking was to be moved to a regular wing. “I would like to state that I have no plans to spread a doctrine. I don’t know what doctrine they’re talking about. What I did was at that time. If I spread a doctrine they can send me back.”

He argued that “in the first years the authorities did not mention the security issue and only later added additional claims.” The State Prosecutor’s Office representative responded by saying that “we believe there was nothing wrong with the other decisions. The claims regarding the Shin Bet are groundless and were meant for the press.”

Amir’s wife, Larisa Trembovler, said before the session that “no one has spoken to him. Why doesn’t the Shin Bet speak to him to examine his condition? He is being held under conditions defined as torture in the entire world.”

Trembvoler added that “it is forbidden by law to keep a person in solitary confinement for more than half a year, and in his case it’s already been 15 years, which is unprecedented. Every six month the State gets an automatic approval. His conditions in solitary confinement are very difficult.”

She said that her husband was “a very strong person and a man of faith, and that’s what keeps him strong. Regret is not a condition for coming out or being kept in solitary confinement. Terrorists are not forced to regret their acts in order to be removed from solitary confinement. What ideological doctrine does he have? He has no doctrine.”

Amir’s father, Shomo, said that “the State has closed him in completely. Are all murderers closed in? What difference does it make if he murdered a prime minister? Murder is murder. The State is just taking revenge on him. I regret what he did, but he doesn’t. Any prisoner who has done dangerous things is not defined as dangerous, but a person who thinks he saved the people of Israel is dangerous? Why seek revenge against a person for no reason?”

Amir’s brother added, “I haven’t seen him in two and a half years. This is my chance to see him.”

Amir’s lawyer, Attorney AVI Moskowitz of the Public Defender’s Office, said during the discussion that “the Shin Bet has an unsettled score with Amir. It’s clear that since the terrible incident the Shin Bet has been carrying a scar which won’t let it go.”

He added that “the Shin Bet is invoking recycling information that has no relevance.”

During the discussion, Amir tried to respond to the claim that he would spread his doctrine among fellow prisoners, but was stopped by Judge Miriam Naor. Attorney Moskowitz said, “I did not hear any motivation for spreading one doctrine or another. He had full of chances. He is paying a heavy price for his act.”

According to the State, Prosecutor’s Office, Amir is still dangerous. The Shin Bet has information suggesting that Amir would try to “spread his word” among the prisoners should he leave solitary confinement, the State told the court.

“Amir is a role model for extreme elements and is working to spread his radical doctrine among the masses. It is feared he would encourage others to perform similar acts,” the State’s response noted.

Amir has told the court that “what I did was a one-time thing. I have no doctrine to spread.”

It was further stated that the Prison Service estimates that Amir’s life would be in danger should he be among other prisoners. It is feared the other inmates would try to take revenge on him for his crimes.

On Sunday, the prime minister’s murderer received the support of the Physicians for Human Rights organization, which called for his removal from solitary confinement.

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(Source: Ynet)

11 Responses

  1. According to torah law, he deserves to be treated with dignity. A minyan is a right not optional, treat Arab terrorists who have blood on their hands in this way and the human rights organization would be down their throats.

  2. myfriend (#2)…

    I assume that before coming to your “halachic” decision, you have had access to all the facts of the case, seen all the videos, interviewed all the witnesses.
    I’m sure you also verified that the accused had hasraa, and that kasher witnesses verified the facts of the case.

    Since, in fact you have NONE of those things, who are you to call him a “rotzeach” or to even say he would have been executed (without the halachic requirements having been fulfilled) even if there was a bais din?!?!

    BTW… Rabin’s own granddaughter who was there at the time said that something weird had transpired and that there was more to it than meets the eye.

  3. AinOhdMilvado – cut the hot air – you “poskin” all the time on these pages – Amir committed a wilful homicide in front of dozens of people . . . your issue is ideological – you adore the little murderer

  4. He committed murder. After that, everything else is irrelevant. It appears that his family has no regrets or shame for the disgusting act he committed. If he had a normal conscience like an ehrliche Yid, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself and would be eaten up by remorse for that act brought on by momentary insanity. IMHO, the Israeli authorities should make him serve his full sentence. He doesn’t deserve anything better. Neither does his family.

  5. #1, you are right.

    #2, we are not in the time of beis din, and one reason is that it is difficult to render what would be a just position to take on many matters.

  6. YonasonW – I didn’t know that along with “myfriend”, you too are on the beis din that convicted Yigal Amir.

    HaDayan YonasonW proclaims…
    “Amir committed a wilful homicide in front of dozens of people”.
    Glad to see YOU’ve got all the facts. Many who WERE there are not at all clear about what happened. (heck, YOU even know how I feel about the case.)
    Of course YOUR issue would, chalila, never be ideological.
    The truth is, I have mixed feelings about this case. I do not know for sure (as YOU do) exactly what happened. I do have a very strong feeling that there is more to this than meets the eye.
    If you and “myfriend” and “metrodriver” re-visit the records of the testimony of the case, you will find that when the shot was fired, Mrs. Rabin screamed, and one of the security agents whispered to her something to the effect of “Don’t worry, it’s just a blank”. A very strange thing to say, don’t you think? Sorry I don’t have the EXACT quote, but I’m sure you dayanim must have access to it.
    You are a quite an inconsistant person Yonason. I’ve seen you attack the Israeli police many times in your comments. Interesting that here you chose to believe them.

  7. AinOhdMilvado – there certainly are credible conspiracy theories, theories that have been covered extensively in press reports in the United States – and also on Israeli television – there are serious issues raised over the apparent 3rd shot for example. But the theories that have credible evidence to support them do not allege that Amir was innocent; they allege a larger conspiracy, in which Amir was an active or unwitting participant.

  8. fyi according to many poskim rabin and others of his ilk were in the category of rodfim for thier actions so take a chill before you talk about “murder”

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