9-Month-Old Child In Carriage Reunited With Mother After She Leaves Child Unattended In Geula

Intensive searches conducted in Yerushalayim on Sunday night for a missing 9-month-old baby, ended happily Boruch Hashem, thanks to a fast-thinking civilian and a Zaka volunteer.

It all began on Sunday evening  when a Charedi woman entered a store in Geula leaving her baby son in a stroller unattended outside the store. If that wasn’t enough, the woman also left her personal bag, with her cell phone inside.

She exited the store shortly after, and to her horror, found the stroller with her baby missing. She began to scream and panic in the street, and the police and the Zaka search unit arrived on the scene. In just a few short minutes, volunteers set up a makeshift command post at the ‘Falafel Shlomo’ store in the heart of Rechov Malchei Yisroel.

Shortly after, a volunteer started searching on Rechov Yechezkel, and noticed an older gentleman with his hand on a black carriage with a child inside it.

The volunteer approached the man, who told him that an autistic woman had just walked past him moments before pushing a carriage, and witnessed how the woman suddenly left carriage on the sidewalk and walked away. He was just going to call authorities when he noticed the ZAKA volunteer.

The mother was brought to the child, and emotionally made a positive identification on the child – who happens to be an Einikle of the Kretchnif Rebbe of Yerushalayim.

The police are investigating the incident as well.

(Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

23 Responses

  1. I was in Willyburg a few years ago and some meshigina lady left her kid in front of the store (11pm). I stood there waiting for the mother to come and then I screamed at her for leaving her kid alone like that. She thought I was nuts but others who were around understood who the nut REALLY was.

  2. oh boy! thank g-d the baby is ok. but people, please do not let your kids out of your sight! they are diamonds!treat them that way!

  3. If the identification of the child as a miyuchasdike child is supposed to lend an aura of chashivus to him, then it also increases the taana on the mother for not watching over her “special” child!

  4. Well guess what, this happens outside every store in BP also. I’ve been tempted to take the kid and call authorities also. If a lady would leave her infant or young child outside alone, while she runs into a store, she should not become a mother.

    Kol Hakoved to this gentleman for scarring the **** out of this lady, which will hopefully stop her and other ladies for doing it again!

  5. This woman was extremely crazy! She doesnt deserve to have her kid back after that? What was she thinking? Forget the fact that she left her bag(that was just a stupid detail). OMG how can people just leave their kids and nto care?????

  6. It’s a shocking story, but the mother could be a nineteen year old girl who is simply naive and has lived in a protective bubble all her life. I think she feels bad enough without people condemning her.

  7. This child should not be reunited with its mother! With a mother like that he wld be better off with someone else!!! Who goes and leaves a 9 month old all alone!! These people are brain less!!!!!! On simchas torah I went into a shul in boro park on my way in I passed a bunch of carriages ouside! I suddenly notice that a little girl let’s say 15 mnths was sleeping in one. Of them! It was ten o’clock at night and no one outside! I went in and started asking around whose child this was… When we identified the women she looked sooo annoyed at the fact that half the shul was looking for her! She thought we were all nuts!!! And mind you the kid was dressed very well! These women need to get they’re priorities checked!!!

  8. I don’t care who she is. Prosecute. Try child abandonment or abuse & neglect. Then maybe these women will learn a lesson, because they are probably more afraid of the authorities than their kids getting harmed.

    Of course, the downside will be trash-can burnings & accusations of Chareidi-bashing. Too bad.

  9. Leaving a child unattended in geula/meah shearim is vastly different than leaving a child behind in flatbush. It’s a israeli tradition, and the kids are kidnapped/groped ect way less here than in the states. The ‘babies’ are usualy 2-3 years old, and it’s quite safe to leave them outside for a couple of minutes.

    In the states, parents are much bigger idiots. They leave their kid in the car, and than forget them

  10. #13 TzefatView – I don’t know what bubble you’re living in, but there are countless stories here in Israel of children getting hurt, abused, etc., Rachmana Litzlon, even in Geula. Would you leave a pile of cash outside a store in Geula, even for a minute, even if it’s safer than Flatbush?

  11. It is so different in Eretz Yisrael. You feel safe to do such things. ALso remember the stores are small and there is no room for carriages inside the stores especially in Geula.The fact is 45 to 50 years ago people left their houses open, keys in there cars; it is not like today. I remember until the late 70 and early 80 depends on where you leave is what you did. If you lived in New Hampshire and Maine in a small town you would still leave your doors unlock. Today 3 locks is not enough. In Yerusalem
    there is still of the old way. We have gotten use to locking our cars when bring groceries into the house but this is very very sad

  12. BS”D

    In the central Torah neighborhoods of the “Yerushalayim shel Maala” of old, and by of old I mean even as recently as 15 years ago, you could leave your door unlocked, your baby outside etc.

    Sadly the social ills of secular “Israel” are creeping into our world as well (both because of problems within our society and because drug addicts, vodka fed Russian shkootzim and other dregs see charedim and our property as easy targets). Now Y-m is no different from any other major city as far as property crime risk is concerned, and what we could do 15-20 years ago is now dangerous.

  13. Leaving a child unattended in geula/meah shearim is vastly different than leaving a child behind in flatbush. It’s a israeli tradition . . .

    It’s not anything of the sort, other than parental stupidity. It’s not safer to leave them outside just because it’s Israel. Suppose the worst had happened to the kid, chas v”sh, would you still make the same claim?

  14. Recently I spotted a 2 year child walking in the road, while the mother was busy chatting with her friends.
    I asked whose child is in the street? and all I got was a a reply “mine”. Not a “thank you” or remorse for her negligence. She then continue her chatter again without watching her child.

  15. 8, 11, 12, 14, What’s better, to have extremists like you amongst us? You can’t be satisfied with condeming a behavior? Actually, the story is self evident that it is irresponsible to leave a child alone – without any comments. The scary thing is that there are such people that won’t end their ill wishes untill their stomach stops bubbling.

  16. i was there you have the whole story wrong
    zaka had no control
    as soon as they tried to get the crowed to disperse and go look for the kid instead of crowding around the store area some one screamed that the baby is here and they rolled him through the massive croweds which the 2 cops had to push the way throgh very hard to acctually get the kid
    it took the police 20 mins to come and on 2 officers cameto assit the rest were just driving there cars and vans on malchie yisroel

  17. I grew up in the fifties when it was normal to leave your door unlocked, even in New york City, and it was usual to leave your baby carriage with your baby inside parked outside a store. Of course now it is much different, but, maybe some people still have a 50’s mentality especially in Geula where most people are Jewish and it feels safe there.

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