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Israel’s Chief Rabbis visit Sderot

amar.jpgmetzger.jpgIsrael’s Chief Rabbis – Sephardi Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar and Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger – paid a visit to the town of Sderot on Sunday. They reportedly met with Sderot Mayor Eli Moyal, and then held a Yom Tefillah – where Tehillim was recited, and a Shofar was blown.

5 Responses

  1. They should have dragged Ehud Olmert with them and blown the shofar directly into his ears and bust his eardrums.

  2. The time may have arrived to include tehillim and tefillahs in particular for the residents of E”Y into our daily davening and learning schedule.

  3. Why blow Shofar? To have the residents do Teshuva? Why them any more than anybody else? And why rub it in to them, even if it were true – the hundreds of kassams they endure is quite a great blast and punishment?

    The Tehillim was nice, though I doubt that’s why they blew shofar. I am guessing they blew shofar in the same vein as when the Zionists used it as a victory/power symbol when they recaptured the Kosel from the occupying Jordanians. When does one, nowadays, ever blow shofar outside of the yamim noraim?

    May we all soon hear the shofar of Melech Hamashiach.

  4. Hakatan It is evident that you have no sephradic minhagim, shofar blowing is an in thing for eda hamizrah, which is the population of Sderot, what’s this thing about victory/power that Zionists do? You should spend more time in the holyland, instead of pontificating.

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