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Bush extends Jerusalem waiver

bush2.jpgPresident Bush extended a waiver on moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem just days before a Congressional vote on whether to urge him to move the embassy. The White House released the text of the waiver of the 1995 law on Friday night, a “dead” time for news organizations and after the Jewish Sabbath had begun. Waiving the law, the statement said, “is necessary to protect the national security interests of the United States.” It adds: “My Administration remains committed to beginning the process of moving our Embassy to Jerusalem.” 

The U.S. House of Representatives is set to vote Tuesday on a non-binding resolution congratulating Israel on 40 years of reunifying the city and urging the president to make good on the 1995 law. The Senate is considering a similar resolution. Bush has consistently waived the law, as did his predecessor, Bill Clinton.


8 Responses

  1. “Bush has consistently waived the law, as did his predecessor, Bill Clinton.”

    …as will his successor, whoever he or she might be, from whatever party.

    Until Eisav realizes that Yishmael is out to kill him (and us), period, and no negotiations are possible (unless it’s for a hudnah), nothing will change.

    V’hu yihiyeh pere adam, yado bakol, v’yad kol bo.

    Hashem yishmor.

  2. hey Town Crier…you mean to tell us that you were holding your breath for this weasel all this time?…what a waste of energy…

  3. shazam,

    Don’t hold your breath for Eisev to team up with us. They will much sooner team up with Yishmael

  4. Leftists are quite powerful in the U.S. and worldwide, and most Leftists are anti-Semites or self-hating Jews. Although Bush is not a Leftists, but an ohev Yisrael he’s also not.

  5. i tink we shouldn’t be Boiteiach in a Melech Bosor V’dom! “Bchoil dor v’dor oimdim oleinu l’chaloiseinu”!!! Eisav soiney l’yaakov”!! tell me is bush an Eisav or an Yishmaeil….?
    Hatzloocha Raba L’oivdei Hashem (“v’koivei Hashem Yachlifu Koiach)!

  6. This man is so confused, he doesn’t know which mess to step in. I don’t think we should be disheartened by his hesitations, he’s clueless anyway.

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