Israel Suffers Butter Shortage

A severe shortage of butter has become prevalent in Israel over the past few days, with some supermarket chains running completely out of the product and stocking shelves instead with its unsatisfying and unhealthy substitute, margarine.

Mamon Magazine has learned that the Israel Dairy Board and the Agriculture Ministry have appealed to the Treasury with a demand to increase butter imports from Denmark and Holland by 400 tons.

The dairy market is protected and allows almost no importation, and that which exists is under tight supervision by the Industry, Trade, and Labor Ministry. Only around 550 tons are imported annually, in a market of some 9,000 tons of local production.

The Dairy Board explained that the shortage derives from a rise in global butter prices, coupled with a 5% increase of demand for dairy products in Israel in 2010, which forced manufacturers to stretch thin their milk supply.

The board also said it is working to end the shortage by asking dairy farmers to increase milk production and its fat content.

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(Source: Ynet)

10 Responses

  1. “The board also said it is working to end the shortage by asking dairy farmers to increase milk production and its fat content.”

    Have the cows been on a low-fat diet??? Feed those girls some ice cream and pizza!!!

  2. each summer there is a drop in milk production in E.Y.
    the heat caused discomfort for the cows and they give less the summer has not gone away an it is still hot even though it is already cheshvan no rain or let up in the heat let us pray for rain and it will bring the butter

  3. Mark, really, is that socialism when vegetables in the US cost so much money? Or when Kosher meat /chicken is high priced socialism?

  4. 6, you obviously dont know how things work in EY. They are in essence a social democracy. Hate to say it, but its the truth!

  5. #7- I was born and raised in the US with super high prices on cholov yisrael stuff etc.. not to mention super high prices of vegetables.. THAT is socialism at it’s best!

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