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Alan Dershowitz Threatens to Sue UK Academics

alan dershowitz.jpgAlan Dershowitz has threatened to wage a legal war against British academics who seek to cut links with Israeli universities (as reported HERE on YW) and vowed to “devastate and bankrupt” lecturers who supported such boycotts. This week’s annual conference of Britain’s biggest lecturers’ union, the University and College Union, backed a motion damning the “complicity of Israeli academia in the occupation [of Palestinian land]”.

It also obliged the union’s executive to encourage members to “consider the moral implications of existing and proposed links with Israeli academic institutions”.

Prof Dershowitz said he had started work on legal moves to fight any boycott.

5 Responses

  1. What Dershowitz so long? The first such initiative was over two years ago, if I recall correctly.

    Perhaps this is the first case of an official motion being passed. That might make all the difference in the legal arena.

  2. Perhaps the Ribono Shel Olam will accept this good deed from Prof. Dershowitz as Tshuvah (repentance) for a recent blog of his — prominently featured on the home page of the Jerusalem Post Web site — where he implied that all Charedim support the actions of a Netura Karta fringe group photographed at a Holocaust denial meeting in Iran. When requested to remove that offending blog or at least add some sentences indicating that these lunatics have been excommunicated by many prominent Rabbanim, he refused and commented on how “proud” he was of that essay.

  3. Alan Dershowitz could best be described as a Zionist Attack Dog. And he could also be described as a highly neurotic and paranoid formerly frum Zionist. Considering he claims to believe in freedom of speech, this attitude of his is most bizarre. How does someone expect to be accepted as a liberal when he is always trying to serve as an enforcer against those whose opinions he doesn’t like??

  4. Avraham,
    Forgive me for not seeing Dershowitz’s blog in the same vein as you but the following quote from the last line of his essay leaves no doubt that for once Dershowitz WAS using his mouth and pen in a way that was favorable to Frumme Yidden. Here is the quote: “I hope my labeling of anti-Semites of Jewish heritage will put to rest any misconceptions that these fringe hate-mongers are representative of or speak for anyone but themselves” His point was made clearly in the article that just as Jews for Jesus are not considered jews by any reasonable standards so too members of the Neturei Karta have ” renounced their ethnicity in the same manner”

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