Netanyahu Confirms Shalit Talks Renewed

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed Sunday reports that the negotiations to secure the release of kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit have been renewed.

“There have been renewed talks with the German mediator’s involvement,” the prime minister said in an Army Radio interview. “Efforts are ongoing in many directions, the majority of which is left undisclosed – at they should be.”

Netanyahu further qualified, telling his interviewer: “You see the headlines. We don’t see them because we are working on Gilad’s issue on a daily basis. We are constantly trying to find various new ways to secure his return.

“One of these ways – the main avenue – is the negotiations, which indeed have been renewed several weeks ago.”

Still, he continued, “I don’t think the talks would benefit from being conducted over the airwaves, even if this is Army Radio’s 60th anniversary. There has been renewed contact with the German mediator, who asked to become involved when I took office,” Netanyahu concluded.

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(Read More: Ynet)

5 Responses

  1. For the life of me, i cannot understand why the army can’t go in there with a big tank and shoot everyone there where shalit is being held,they say that they are so tough, so prove it, let them stand up and be real men and not whimps and accept this nonsense from them, go bomb the place, and make sure shalit is out of the way,first fire then bomb,they were tough enough to drive everyone out from gush katif,so now let them be tough again and get him out already, if they keep on listening for peace deals it will never work,both sides are tough,but one side has to be tougher and say we are not going to take it any longer, not one more day,BE TOUGH.GO GET HIM OUT NOW………….

  2. Matook, you speak like chilli matook… If they go in guns blazing, Gilad’s chances are less than 5%. Keep praying, its the only thing we can do…

  3. First of all, Gilad Schalit is sitting somewhere in Aza, wrapped in a suicide bomber vest. If any attempt is made to get him, he won’t make it.

    Secondly, unless you, matook, are currently in Tzahal, stop referring to those actually in Tzahal as “we” and “them.” It’s easy to be tough when it’s the lives of others on the line.

  4. As others wrote, Gilad is booby-trapped and would be doomed if the place were stormed. Negotiations are not in our hands, so the best histadlus that we amcha can do – and which every single one of us must do – is in the spiritual realm: daven for Gilad ben Aviva in every tefilla, say tehillim, be careful in shmiras halashon/ learn the daily halachos, take a kabbala in whichever area that you need to improve (a particular middah, chessed, kvias ittim l’Torah, etc).

  5. matook, we are not talking about the movies here and we are also not talking about Rambo!!! We are talking about real life and human beings. We people are bombed and shot at they die, they don’t get up to film another take. So the IDF can’t just go in like Rambo and shoot up everyone and bomb everyone because they will kill all the kidnapped soldiers including Shalit if they try.

    Please stop fantasizing and use some common sense. I know you are frustrated but comments like yours are frustrating and hurtful.

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