Jordan calls for Israel to halt Kosel excavations

kosel cover.jpgA Jordanian official called on Israel Wednesday to stop archaeological excavations in the Old City of Yerushalayim, the official Petra news agency reported. Israel has been carrying out excavations on a ramp leading up to the Har Habayis. The digging has sparked clashes between police and Muslims and touched off fierce criticism throughout the Muslim world. (For additional pictures click HERE)

9 Responses

  1. They have been rebuilding a ramp that almost collasped. The municipality needed to excavate as a way to strengthen the structure. The Arabs want it stopped because the Yidden keep on finding archeological evidence proving that Israel is a Jewish land.

  2. Let the arabs moan and complain. Everyday on the Temple Mount, the arabs are excavating, piling, then dumping artifacts, Jewish, dating back to the Temple periods. Yet, try to fix an access ramp, we Jews are even allowed to use, and all hell breaks loose.

  3. Yoel, when that happens, “Vihaya Hashem Limelech Al Kal HaAretz; BaYom HaHu Yihye Hashem Echad Ushmo Echad”; everyone will know that Hashem is the king and His name is one, so they will “submit” to Hashem’s decisions regarding everything, including Har HaBayis.

    See, unlike the Arab-Zionist hatred of today, when the true Geula comes, all this nonsense will end, and I imagine you won’t see that reaction you expect based on politics of today, then.

  4. Of course you are right, I think I was kidding a little, because I have such a hard time understanding why these bnei Avraham who pray to the one G-d could possibly hate the goy kadosh SO MUCH when it says in their own book that they should look to us as brothers.

    Sheyebane beis hamikdash bimhera viyamenu so all this senseless hatred and bloodshed should cease forever.

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