Binyamin Kahane’s murderer was trained by the USA

binyamin kahane1.jpgThe terrorist who was behind the murder of Binyamin Ze’ev Kahane HY”D – and was arrested early this week (reported HERE on YW) after being on the run for years – had some shocking military training. According to the WND, he was trained by the US, served in a senior capacity on Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ US-backed security detail, and was a ranking member of a team that received and distributed American arms shipments the past two years.

According to Israeli and Palestinian security sources, Shawish, as a member of Force 17, received US training in 1997 at an American managed military base in the West Bank city of Jericho. The base continues to train Force 17 members. Multiple other Brigades members who also double as Force 17 officers previously received US training.


3 Responses

  1. It was always an open “secret” that Arafat’s Force 17 was peopled by terrorists. Only the Israeli ostrich government of Oslo fame, and the US State Dept. pretended that Arafat ys”v was a man of “peace”.

    The rest of the world joyfully went along with this farce, (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) because they knew it would lead Israel down a path to (chas veshalom) oblivion. A result that suits their anti-Semitic souls just fine.

    But here again everything that has to do with Israel and its dysfunctional relationship with its “allies” in the rest of the world defies rational explanation. Only ma’aminim could understand: The message here is we need to do teshuvah. They can see a Divine (albeit painful) logic. For the rest of the world, it must be confusing and almost idiotic.

  2. You know, I know, and a few others know. Most think that US $$$$ go to medical clinics to immunize little arabs from chicken pox.

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