FJPC: Peres helped incriminate Pollard

pollard new1.jpgAccording to a Ynet-News report, members of the Free Jonathan Pollard Committee submitted to the Knesset a file claiming Shimon Peres knowingly transferred documents to the US that incriminated Jonathan Pollard during his tenure as prime minister. The file was sent to the Knesset this morning following Peres’ announcement that he would run for president. “This was the only case in the history of modern espionage in which a prime minister directly assisted in incriminating an agent who acted on behalf of the country he headed,” the dossier said.

8 Responses

  1. Perhaps the focus instead should be on ousting or making life miserable for Peres for doing the ultimate masir. He masird on a fellow jew.

    That rosho should be harassed with phone calls, letters, demonstrations, petitions,etc.

  2. How come only the nut who went to Iran got beaten up? Isn’t what Shimon Peres did considered mesira and should be considered a rodef? If someone who can learn better than me blog on to clarify the issue, I would appreciate it.

  3. Flatbush Bubby remember the first piece of advice in all of Pirkei Avot – Hevai Metunim BaDin. If you need to know the halachot of mesirah consult your rabbi; blogs are not the best way to learn Halacha.

  4. A blogger said the following today about this on his own blog:
    If this information is true, Peres’ bid to be the President of Israel should not only be rejected but he should be thrown into jail until Pollard is freed.

    Edited by Site Moderation Panel: (We don’t approve comments with links to blogs or other websites)

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