50,000 Gerrer Chassidim attend Chasunah

An estimated 50 thousand Gerrer Chassidim are attending the Chasunah of the Einikle of the Gerrer Rebbe Shlita in Yerushalayim, (the daughter of his son). The Kallah is a twin sister to the Einikle of the Rebbe who got married approximately three months ago. Hundreds of security guards, Hatzolah, MDA, and police are ensuring that this massive event goes smoothly. Photos will be posted as soon as they become available to us.

4 Responses

  1. Yhi Ratzon Lifnei Avinu Shabashamayim L’Kayem Bonu Chachmei Yisroel, the leaders of all Chasidish, Sfardish and Litvish groups, we need our leaders,
    And for the ones that have passed on – may they rest in peace!!

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