Terrorist who killed Binyamin Ze’ev Kahane arrested

binyamin kahane.jpgThe terrorist who was behind the murder of Binyamin Ze’ev Kahane HY”D (son of Meir Kahane HY”D) was arrested by an elite IDF unit in Ramallah today – after being on the run since the year 2000 – according to the Jerusalem Post. Israeli officials said that Khaled Shawish was personally responsible for dozens of terrorist attacks, including suicide bombings in Yerushalayim as well as shooting attacks on roads in the Ramallah area. One of those deadly shooting attacks killed Binyamin Ze’ev Kahane, son of Meir Kahane.

25 Responses

  1. May the father and son Kahane’s find peace in the olam ho’emmes and may all killers be punished. HY’D Hope this year the Israeli IDF remains tough.May HKB”H protect!

  2. that chaya raah if some reason yeshivaworld forgot left a whole bunch of yesomim they killed both r’binyomin and his chashuv rebetzin hashem yinkom damam

  3. Merci YW! On this day of “Memorial” here in America, it is fitting we should remember such a Family. Kahane, zt”l wanted an Israel for Jews that was based on Torah Law. A Jewish homeland based on Torah law, go figure. So, the arabs killed him, and his offspring. Clearly we see that Kahane was intentionally right. His kavana was emet. Long live Kahane Chai!!!

  4. About time IDF its only been 7 years! I hope to G-d that they do to this animal what he did to others,big chance that will happen.

  5. Yeah,I guess the Shabak needed a big arrest, so they suddenly remembered the name of the guy they paid off to kill Rav Binyamin and Talia Kahane Zt”l Hy”d

  6. Its important to separate the issues. Although we mourn the loss of every Jewish life and especially those who are murdered because they are Jewish; I think its fair to say that Reb Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld and the other Shomrei Hachomos would have opposed significant parts of the Kahana Chai’ ideology.

  7. Cherry-

    Do you not see from all previous post that our hearts and minds are in concentration on many aspects of this story? Why do you see that “Chaim Sonnenfeld” is needed? Perhaps you are an instigateur, not looking to empathize on the Article, or subjects involved, you rather would create a row.

  8. Why go there, cherry? They are dead. leave it alone.
    There is allways some Chaim Yankel do gooder who has to say that this hashkofah is no good and that one is no good. Just leave it alone. they died al Kidush hashem. period.

  9. Cherry and Susshow – the reason to “go there” and mention that the Kach shita is probably against most daas torah is that posters like urmbase conclude that since they died al kiddush hashem, it must be that their philosophy is correct.

    This is a big (Zionist) problem that needs rectification (like, since Israel was founded, and continues to exist, through nissim, it must be the correct way and Hashem’s preference; One CANNOT draw such conclusions).

    Their kavanos may have been 100% pure, and no one will take anything away from them, personally. But, at the same time, their ideology does not become kosher because of that Kiddush Hashem.

    To draw somewhat of an analogy, the mekoshesh eitzim, according to some, acted to warn Klal Yisrael just how chamur Shemiras Shabbos is. Yet (and so) he was still punished because of his transgression. And, even though his intentions were good, you’re still not allowed to gather sticks on Shabbos.

  10. There is a big difference between “respectuflly disagreeing” with another’s viewpoint, and “angrily disparaging” another’s view because you don’t agree with it. “Respectful disagreement” is the hallmark of Yidishkeit. Our Shas is replete with argument, “Machlokes,” but always with the caveat that it remain with the utmost respect.
    I, for one, am Frum today because of Rabbi Meir Kahane, Z’L. His steadfast and unwavering stance on “Torah-true Judaism,” (even if you disagree with his “version” of Torah-true), Halacha and Yiddishkeit, together with his burning Ahavas Yisroel, made him a formidable force for all of Klall Yisroel. (And now I have a son in Brisk!!!)
    His son Binyomin, Z”L, a childhood friend of mine, was brought up in a fiery household, that screamed “do something for Klall Yisroel,” and he proudly carried on his Choshuva father’s mandate, to try and keep Eretz Yisroel a land of Kedusha and Jewishness, and arab free.
    Those in the Israeli government who banned Kach from the government, did so mostly because Kach represented a true force speaking up for a Frum-oriented governing body in E”Y. And we all know that the Israeli government, is not – and has never been – a big fan of Frumkeit.
    Hashem Yinkom Dameihem – V’Yehei Zichrom Bruchim!!!

  11. Once again Hakatan, you saw the line of decency, and barrled right through it. Name calling, casting dispersions, belittleing a philosophy you obviously disagree with, and yet all the while your main point is to cause a commotion. You sound very “Fawell-like.” “He was punished for his transgressions…” Cast the first stone, or perhaps you have no mirrors into your own soul.

  12. Why would anyone think that dying Al Kidush Hashem means that your ideology is kosher? The kedoshim of the holocaust refute that notion, because all kinds of Yidden were killed then. Nobody thinks that’s an endorsement of each individual’s outlook on life. Sorry, but bringing up their hashkafos is indicative of an axe to grind. Please put away your weapons, mourn for the loss, be heartened by the arrest, and let them rest in peace.

  13. and dont forget, his father was the first person murdered by Al Quda / Bin Laden. if you remember (or if you dont, check it out) at that farce of a (original) trial where the da allowed the case to be fixed against him, the murderer said ” i am an agent of al queda, and you are not allowed to (try) me”. (this was the first mention of al queda, that was not understood till after original wtc bombing in 1993.) (verified by the 9-11 commision; even they had to admit that!!!) why do you think no one is pushing for a museum at the wtc? because they know they will have to put up rav meir kahane’s (the MaCaBY = Meir Chanane Ben Yecheskel) picture as an exhibit of the first victim of bin laden / al queda!!!)

  14. urmbase, I apologize if you feel I “barrled” right through any sort of line of “decency”.

    As I said, I never disputed, and, to the contrary, even affirmed, that their motivations were good, and that their murder was a terrible thing.

    But when you write “Clearly we see that Kahane was intentionally right. His kavana was emet.”, you illustrate the answer to susshow’s question of why mention his hashkafa.

    Again, that answer is, as I wrote above, is that there is no logic to equating his kavana with the true hashkafa any more than there is to saying the mekoshesh was correct in being mechalel shabbos because he was trying to show Klal Yisrael how chamur Shabbos is.

    With all due respect, you seem to be the one jumping at people who disagree with your opinions.

  15. What does hashkafa, and what does it, or how does it relate to kavana? Excuse my ingnorance, please. By kavana, I meant that Kahana, zt”l, had his intent in the correct place. His intent was to develope a “Torah-emet” Israel. His kavana was emet v’avada Hashem.

  16. urbmase – you can have the greatest of kavana (intent or thoughts), but if your hashkafa (perspective on right and not right) is twisted you will not succeed in succeed in serving HaShem with emes.

    Disclaimer: this was meant for claritive purposes only and in is not meant to reflect upon R’Kahane or his son.

  17. cherryhillbilly You have tremendous arroagance and Chutzpah to assume what R. Sonnenfeld would say about R. Kahane. As Teshuva for you arrogance, you need to open up a copy of “Or HaRaayon” and learn it from cover to cover, assuming you can read hebrew.

  18. you may or may not know that rabbi mayer kahana hy”d was a musmach of mirrer yeshiva flatbush (ironically his levya was held right next door at young israel near mirrer yeshiva)
    was a talmud chohom of note a mechaber of many seforim on tenach as well as many other published chidushe torah
    i saw him for many years on a daily basis having been a talmid at a yeshiva in the neighborhood he lived in. kiryat itri yerushalyim (right across from lakewood easts first building) he was a big masmid sat and learnt a whole shabbos never seen with out a sefer in hand and kept a very low key life style in his private life .didnt tumul in shul at all wasnt at all a rabble rouser or trouble maker as his public life would have you beleive. as a matter of fact he never spoke politics at all !!
    of course growing up post holocaust and seeing jews in russia being tortured and sent to jail for trying to be jewish and seeing anti semetisim here in the USA this man couldnt and wouldnt sit still and started the JDL and was the voice of (frum) jews (albeit with out our gedolims haskamas)protesting these issues arranging demonstrations against russian consulate, the UN (who we now know are openly biased against jews ,israel etc)
    may hashem be nokaym on all soney yisroel and bring the geula shlyma bimhyro in our days amen

    Editors Note: Meir Kahane was NOT a musmach from the Mirrer Yeshiva. He simply used to use the Bais Medrash as any other Jew would on Shabbosos and Yomim Tovim when he was in the area. He was also never given an Aliya. Please get your F-A-C-T-S straight before making bold statements.

  19. Shmuel Hanagid when you get a chance borrow “Guardians of Jerusalem” (in English) and read it. Let me know your conclusion. All the best.

  20. I just spoke to R. Hecht at the Mir and he said it is very possible that he did receive his smicha from the Mir. Where are you getting your facts?

  21. Rabbi Meir Dovid Kahane did receive his Smicha from Harav Kalmanovitch of the Mirrer Yeshiva in Brooklyn. Tammuz 1957.

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