Negev: Man captures leopard in bedroom with hands

leopard.jpgIn an unbelievable story this morning, a man who resides in the Negev awoke to see a leopard chasing his pet cat around his bedroom. The man quickly understood that this was the cause for many pet cats going missing in the neighborhood recently. Without hesitating the man jumped out of bed and placed the leopard in a head-lock with his bare hands! His wife then called the authorities who arrived and took the animal away.

16 Responses

  1. Aren’t Leopards much faster than we are? Couldn’t he have gotten hurt if he missed? I guess his army training served him well.

  2. For all those who never understood the words of Chazal that there are some whose money is more valuable than their own bodies!

  3. As far as I’m concerned, all of these are foolish comments (except the last).

    Where are you, people? That this person had not only the calmness of mind, alacrity, and FAITH to attempt this is fantastic – because he really didn’t have a better choice! Who knows if there was a way out around this chaya. There were probably others in the house too, and certainly in the area – who knows what could have come about if he wasn’t so quick on his feet – and fortunate. Chazal say when a wild animal is found in settled areas, it’s even a time to fast. B’H for people that take an initiative.

  4. Leopard, shmepard. (Kids nowadays.)

    I once had a mosquito in my room that you wouldn’t believe…


  5. Small detail missing here…
    The news said that the guy was an animal trainer who worked with lepords in the past…. Also, it is a shtus to say that he put anything before his own life. He and his daughter were both in the room, it would take only a nano second for the animal to change its mind and lunge at them. His only choice was to run and possibly get killed or to be on the offense and save his life and the life of his daughter (and the cat -:)

  6. The leopard was the reason for the disappearance for the neighborhood cats. What about the lives of the little children who play in the streets?

  7. It was a small leopard – you can see it’s picture on YNet. Either it wasn’t full-grown or it’s a small breed of leopard. Not the kind of thing you want to wrestle with anyways, since it has lots of sharp teeth and sharp claws to boot, and it’s nowhere near slow! But it does explains things a little – you would have to be incredibly strong and really know what you’re doing to take on a full-grown leopard! It probably didn’t attack the children since they were bigger than it was and it seems like it was getting its sustenance from the cats anyways. Besides, most animals have an in-born fear of people and only attack when necessary.

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