Nachal Chareidi recruit number 2000

nacal.jpgThe Nachal Chareidi division in the IDF marked the recruitment of its 2,000th soldier on Sunday. The new recruit, 18 year-old Itamar Grilus from the Givat Shaul neighborhood in Yerushalayim, told the Ynet News Agency, “I think that the best way to defend the land of Israel is by studying Torah, but if one is unable to sit and study all day, he should physically defend Israel.”

According to Ynet, Grilus, who traded his black suit for army uniform Sunday morning, was a student at prestigious Lithuanian Yeshivos and enlisted in the IDF following his brother, who also served in Nachal Chareidi.

“I made the decision to enlist with my parents and my family, who support me completely.” Grilus said. “I was offered by the army to join elite combat units, but I told them that if it weren’t for Nachal Chareidi I wouldn’t have joined the army. The regiment is the only place where I can be a combatant and contribute, and at the same time preserve my Charedi lifestyle to the maximum.”

(Click HERE to watch a 2 minute video of Lipa Schmeltzer performing at a Hachnosas Sefer Torah at Nachal Chareidi.)

(Photo and story from Ynet)

12 Responses

  1. May he be protected by the Shomer Yisroel. With more soldiers like him, Moshiach will be waiting around the next corner.

  2. Alot of us here could use this training.
    Halivay some bochurim would be given this option, we might look better.

  3. I am happy to see that someone who feels that he cannot stay in the yeshiva system decided to do something productive with his life, as opposed to stagnating in his current situation!

  4. dovidl – Because the anti-Zionists don’t all oppose Nachal Charedi. This idea has the support of numerous Gedolei Yisroel.

    While it is also opposed by other Gedolim, who are we to stick our tiny little minds into the mix.

  5. I’m sure Moran Rav Moshe Shmuel Ztal is turning in his grave over this

    of course those who can’t learn should work but lets not glorify this and yes! shlep border line bochurim out of yeshiva, the worlds greatest teivoh

    lets try to keep as many learners as possible in the b”‘m not elsewere

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