‘Chativat Kfir’ inauguration at the Kosel










Click HERE to see additional photos of the inauguration ceremony for the ‘Chativat Kfir’ unit taken last week at the Kosel. In the words of photographer Yehuda Boltshauser “I found it very emotional – in the middle of all the violence, to see yidden of all walks of life davening, crying, laughing, and simply being together – it is amazing. A reminder to focus on the positive.”  Photo Credit: Yehuda Boltshauser

9 Responses

  1. The ‘Chativat Kfir’ used to be known until recently as the 900 Brigade. Specializing in Anti-Terror and currently commanded by David Menachem, it is part of the ‘Utzvat HaPlada’ (162nd division) of the central command of the IDF. It constitutes of six full-infantry battalions: Nahshon (90), Shimshon (92), Haruv (93), Duchifat (94), Lavi (96), and Netzah Yehuda (97 – This is the Nachal Charedi one – hence the frum soldiers in the photographs.)

    On another note, it was also amazing to see the reaction of these soldiers at the Kosel. A lot of them have had little or no connection to yiddishkeit in their lives – for many, this was their very first time at the Kosel. Sometimes one does not really appreciate what one has until one lacks it, or at least has the opportunity to observe one that does not. B”H I can go and daven mincha at the Kosel every Erev Shabbos, yet when I went last week I ripped kriah, as I had not been there in over two months. In retrospect, when I stood there and watched these soldiers pouring their hearts out to Hashem in such an true, temimusdik, manner at the Kosel, it served as a stark reminder to give hakaras hatov.

  2. I hope I’m not offending anyone’s sensitivities… But couldn’t they find a better place 2 do this other than srid bais mikdashenu!!!

  3. Why another place?
    Finally some Jews came to the Kosel because of this army event, who would never have come before & were inspired. There is not a lack of tznius or women prayer groups here, it is Yidden celebrating at a makom kodesh.

  4. Shmeel,
    Why would you say that? It is so very demeaning and lacks any Shemetz of Ahavas Yisroel. Perhaps these Shevurei Nefesh will be inspired and their Nefesh will be sparked just by being in the holiest place on earth. Many have been moved to Teshuva just by stading at the Kosel.
    I don’t get the negetivity.
    They do it so that the soldiers realize that they are not just fighting for a “country” but that they are fighting for a much loftier cause – Klall Yisroel. And what better place to instill that than at the Kosel?

  5. eliezer –
    You’re right. So let them plan a day trip to the Kosel so they can be inspired. But what’s the whole idea of planning events at the Kosel?

  6. Yatmich,
    I believe that they plan these events at the Kosel to instill in the soldiers that feeling that they are fighting for a loftier cause than just land. Having a solemn ceremony near the Kosel inspires the soldiers and touches their Nefashos. I’m not sure I understand the difference between “a day trip” and “Planning events at the kosel.” That’s the reason.

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