[In regards to the article which YW posted two weeks聽HERE] According to a Ynet News report, the Chief Rabbinate in Israel has called on all the bodies that issue kashruth certificates (in Israel) to refrain from purchasing fruits and vegetables from Palestinian farmers during the next year – which is Shmita – for fear the proceeds will be used for funding terror.
During a Shmita year, many Charedi kashruth organizations prefer to buy produce from non-Jews, in order to make sure that the Halacha has not been violated.
The Shmita Committee at the Chief Rabbinate also stated that due to the security situation, kashruth supervision in the territories has become almost impossible, especially because of the great danger faced by kashruth supervisors in the PA.
11 Responses
The arabs are a constant shame on our Society. Why does YW sanction the name “palestinian.” (sic) The NY Sun has taken a high (chai) road by refering to arabs as they are…arabs. Is not YW to be held in a higher regard, or is it simply the “zionist” that gets bashed in the forum?
Maybe the Rabbinate read YW?
Apparently the Charedi Daas Torah disagrees with the Rabbinate. But they still have to live with each other despite their halachik disagreements on this matter.
kashruth supervision in the territories?
Since when does fruits & vegetables need a hashgocho? Last I checked you can buy fruits and vegetables anywhere from a goy (no shmitta implications.)
Sounds like a bunch of political hogwash to me.
zf – Apparantly the Daas Torah of the chareidim disagree. They authorized and encouraged purchasing produce from the territories, rather than risking chillul shmitta.
Moe, The hashgocho needed is to ensure that the fruit is really grown by Arabs. Many times in the past Arabs purchased fruit and vegetables from Jews (grown b’Issur gamur on shemita, not even using the heter mechira) and resold it to Jews as if it was their own. The rav of a northern town told me that he knows of a case where they took squash out of cartons and spread it out in a field to show the mashgiach that “it’s grown here.”
Did you ever hear of terumous and maaserous?
I am puzzled by the seemingly unconsistant notion that we shoudn’t financially support terrorism by bying from palestinian farmers. How is this different from employing palestinians? My house as well as most Israeli houses, including those of the Rabbinate, was build by palestinians. This is just one example. And no one is going around saying that we are funding terrorism.
According to all shitos the ideal system is that of “Otzar Beis Din”. This year G-D willing, this system will be available to more and more people.
Biggest anav-
terumot and maasrot don’t require a mashgiach in the fields. They can be removed (if and when necessary) in the market/store.
Otzar Beis Din fruit and vegetables is the only answer. (for those who do not avail themselves of the heter mechira + Arabs are not there for economically transactions).
There is a slight problem of chinuch: People have to be educated how to eat and dispose of this produce, since it has kedushas shivis, and most want the easy way out (either end- Arabs or Heter).
esrog and sayitlikeitis – Otzar Beis Din is only a solution to fruits. Vegetables grown by Yidden during shemitah have an issur sefichin.
There is unfortunately no other solution other than importing which will price staples such as cucumbers and tomatoes out of most Israelis’ reach.
“no other solution”- I’ve heard that on many issues that b”h were solved.
The Jews in the Midbar also wanted cucumbers, complained to Moshe that we want a way out and back to Mitzrayim if we can not have them…