Senator Hillary Clinton condemns Kassam rocket fire

“I am saddened and outraged by the repeated rocket attacks against the Israeli cities of Sderot and Ashkelon, attacks that were perpetrated even as the Shavuot holiday came to a close. Yet another round of attacks by Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups against civilians demonstrates an escalation of violence against Israel. The rockets have hit homes, synagogues, and schools, injured many and killed nine innocents. Israel’s right to exist, and to defend its people against imminent threat, must never be put in question. Israel has demonstrated restraint in the face of ongoing of attacks on southern Israel orchestrated from Gaza. The United States and the international community must stand in support of Israel and send the message to Hamas and to any terrorists who threaten innocent lives on sovereign soil and operate in violation of international law that this behavior will not be countenanced.

Israel is confronting many of the toughest challenges in its history, in a neighborhood that is less secure than ever. It is vital is that we continue to stand on behalf of the shared interests in security and democracy that form the unbreakable bond between our two nations. I stand with the people of Israel who live in fear as their homes are besieged and maintain my unwavering commitment to the welfare and survival of the State of Israel.”

11 Responses

  1. My trust for her is nil. She is a pariah, and a leach. The thought of either Obama or Hillary is disgusting to me. Perhaps Olmert can run also, once he resigns. What am I being ridiculous?

  2. She is a faker & reshanta…a total fair weather freind, she wants us 2 4get her kissing mrs arafat ym’sh. She could care less about rockets falling anywhere, unless it will help her get elected!!

  3. Who to trust anymore I don’t know?? We have to be supporting each other, giving chizuk to each other, and have a stronger sense of Achdus! We have to daven, and not put our trust in anybody other than the ribinoshel olam.

  4. If she is such a Arab lover, why did she get the Jewish vote in New York State? When she went campaigning in Boro Park a couple of years ago, the little old hasidic ladies were running up to her begging for her autograph! She is no fool, we are!

  5. Illlini.
    Very well said!
    If you all insist that this condemnation is a PLOY just to get votes, why do you think that her ‘pro Arab ‘ attitude is more genuine??

  6. illini and nameless

    we think it is only a ploy because she is an extreme liberal democrat and the extreme liberal democrats are pro-palestian arab and anti-Israel.

    The condemnation of any conflict in Israel from the extreme liberal democrat (except those running for office) is always one sided. “Israel used excessive force” “Israel is killing civilians” “Israel should take down the security fence” — we all know that Israel responds to acts of terror in self defense to target those that are planning and carrying out the attacks — the extreme liberal democrat looks at the acts of self defense as provocations that cause the arabs to strike Israel (ask george soros, michael moore, jimmy carter, and the list goes on…)

  7. flatbushbub
    NYS is a firm stronghold of Democrat voters.
    Hasidic ladies running for autographs knew they can make a few bucks on it in the yrs to come, and the kids would get a laugh.

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