Sderot: Man killed in rocket attack

Early Sunday morning, 35-year-old Oshri Oz, was R”L killed when a Kassam rocket landed in Sderot near the car he was traveling in.

6 Responses

  1. I thought Zionism was going save Jewish lives and be a safe-haven. Why are Jews being murdered in their State every-day just for being Jewish?

    More Jews are killed for being Jewish under the Zionist regime, than anywhere else today.

  2. The insanity continues, and will continue as long as the current Adminstration reamains in affect. Olmert needs to resign in order for Eretz Yisrael to begin to gain any ground.

  3. Most Yidden killed by terrorists abroad are killed because Muslims associate all Jews with Israel.

    The mistakes of the Zionist regime are a detriment to all of us; if they would show some gaon Yaakov and really fight back, the umos haoilam would be afraid of us as they were for a couple of short years after 1967. However, the Zionist regime responded to the nissim of 1967 by turning away even further from Hashem, as they allowed the vanquished bnei Yishmoel to feel as if they were not fully defeated and refused to see Whose hand was really behind the victory of a bunch of shlimazildige soldiers led by bumbling generals who became horrendously corrupt and incompetent politicians.

    Of course, the essence of the problem is that until Moshiach comes we cannot expect a true Jewish government in EY. Meanwhile, the Zionists, whose mistaken ideology was the product of a man who suffered from bacterial brain disease, which in turn was combined with another deluded ideology, namely Marxism, are causing Jews both inside and outside of EY to suffer because of their idiocy.

    And the average Jew in EY, who still does retain the “pintele Yid” does not even support these idiots and understands that their lives are being put in danger by these ivory tower phoney idealists. Somehow, though, the ruling clique remains in power, and only the names of the incompetent, corrupt louts change from time to time.

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