Sderot: Apartment building hit by rocket; IAF responds

11:20AM EST: Three people were injured after their four-story apartment building they live in was directly hit by a Kassam rocket on Friday night. According to Haaretz, more than ten people were treated for shock – and the building sustained serious damage. The IAF has responded by stepping up air-strikes in Gaza and reportedly striking a Hamas base in the Gaza strip injuring four. This was the seventh Israeli air-strike since Thursday night injuring dozens of Hamas personnel.

11:40AM EST: A Sderot factory was just struck by a Kassam rocket causing significant damage but no injuries.

4 Responses

  1. One thing I don’t understand about these retaliatory air-strikes is that they seem to imply a certain Jewish blood for Hamas military bases proportion, which is absurd for two reasons:

    1. Jewish blood is worth far more than any military base, Hamas or otherwise.

    2. If Hamas is responsible, why leave any bases untouched? Shouldn’t they all be destroyed?

  2. You are right!
    Every base and terrorist cell must and should be destroyed.
    Keep thinking if these rockets (Chas vshalom) were aimed at Ramat Aviv, Herztliah, Ramat Gan, wouldn’t the response be more potent?

  3. HaKatan, BklynMom, ofcourse you are right. The govt. is doing a wonderful job showing how they [hamas] can do whatever they want and get away with it. These lame responses are an attempt to continue to hold over hamas empty threats…..and save face with the world “excercising restraint…blah blah blah”. If you think that their not trying to aim and reach “Ramat Aviv, Herztliah, Ramat Gan…” you are mistaken. Maybe they should try and reach Ehud Olmerts house that may help a little. Its rediculious to keep sending Yidishe Kinder on these dangerous lame duck missions. Either do the job, or don’t go in their and look stupid.

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