Yerushalayim: “Shame Parade” scheduled for June 21

breaking news 2.jpgPolice Chief Ilan Franco has authorized the “Shame Parade” to take place in Yerushalayim on June 21 – according to multiple news sources. The parade was originally scheduled to take place last summer, but was canceled several times. It was first pushed off to November due to the outbreak of the Second Lebanon War in July. Then, because of to the overwhelming threat of violence from anti-gay protesters, the event was reworked into a rally that was confined to the Hebrew University’s Givat Ram campus.

20 Responses

  1. How many times must H”B be insulted with the actions of the government in our Holy City, we have had one war already as punishment, Lebanon II what will we call the next one?
    The only war we need now is GOG AND MAGOD in order to bring our rightous Moshiach who will end this “medina government” who has no respect for Torah and bring Torah to us and the world

  2. This, too, shall pass. The question is what Hashem has in store to stop it this time (and I hope no wannabe Pinchas takes matter into his own hands, though the ShaBaK will certainly try to find one among the shababnikim or the fringe elements of the community).

  3. Nice speech torahtot
    Let’s talk tachlis! What do we do, how do we do it, who is going to stop this embarrassment? Can we connect it to US funding to Israel, maybe we can stop it from the US side? Do our evangelist “friends” and Christian “neighbors” have any solutions?

  4. Yes, this too shall pass, and HKB”H will deal with this as He sees fit. But the questions is what are we going to do? Sit back and let them buid the Egel while we sip tea and eat cake? What happens when He will ask us, what hishtadlus we did to “help” him? I don’t think that attitude worked in the times of the Egel, and I don’t think it will fly now either.

  5. Why won’t they learn there lesson, its going to be another war zone again by kikar shabbos and other areas which will be full of hafganos again

  6. ויקרא פרק יח פסוק כח
    ולא-תקיא הארץ אתכם בטמאכם אתה וגמר….



  7. we will follow our various gedolim. Last time, (R’ Rosenblum reported) the Ger Rebbe & R’ Eliashiv had different approaches. Whatever our approach may be, it will certainly be a rejectionist one.

  8. TorahTotty,

    “Eich M’loacha Libecha” to presume to know what the Lebanon war may or may have not been punishment for? Maybe it was punishment for the government throwing Yidden out of Gaza? Maybe it was punishment for electing a no’ef as a president, and a shoiteh as a prime minister? Maybe it was punishment for all the Lashon Hora that permeates the Jewish blogosphere? Or maybe it wasn’t punishment at all — maybe the war constituted “yisurin shel ahava?” Everyone is an uber-chochom but even Shlomo HaMelech, the chochom mikal adam, found HKB”H’s wisdom to be “rechoka mimeni.”

  9. jdspero, Precisely. And the leaders of the so-called “Jewish State” have been “K’pnei HaKelev” ever since.

  10. Mayerfreund,
    Perhaps the English and grammar Chinuch has to be better as well. You made the following errors in your one-line blog:
    1. probebly – should be probably
    2. wright – should be right
    3. then – should be than
    4. curently – should be currently

    Otherwise it was a beautiful blog!! 🙂

  11. Other than getting to the parade site (is it indeed enclosed again?) earlier than the baalei toeiva do and blocking their entrance with massive, peaceful, tehillim and learning, there is nothing we can or should do physically to block this shtus. Burning garbage cans or even flags is just a waste of time and a potential chilul Hashem. “Hakol kol Yaakov vehayadayim y’dei Esov” is a rule which any potential protestor should keep in mind at all times.

    A friend of mine, a prominent businessman and askan who happens to be a talented chazzan, once replied with chazzanus of the words “Shabbos Hi Mi’Lizoik” to a demonstrator who was disturbing our Shabbos walk while protesting the Bar Ilan street openings: (the guy got it and my friend did not have to go as far as “urefuah shleimo kroiva la’voi!”). Loud, let alone violent, demonstrations, bring about little except resentment.

  12. Does anyone know of ways to petition or protest this abomination from the US. I think everyone should get involved to try and stop this public chillul Hashem.

  13. Thinking:

    There are probably E-mails for Israeli officials that are available somewhere online; writing RESPECTFULLY to said officials MAY make a difference.

  14. Whatever the chareidi olam does, it is essential that no one makes a chilul Hashem in the course of trying to prevent a different chilul Hashem.

    Regarding Gog and Magog, the way Chazal understood it is that Gog and Magog would be attacking Yerushalayim and Yisroel. One source if you wish is Medrash Tanchumah, Re’eh: asidin Gog uMagog lavo al Yisroel.

  15. Shocking !!!
    Klal Yisroel needs so many zechusim now, We have enemies that want to wipe us off the map, We should be doing Teshuva not shame parades.

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