Yerushalayim refuses to allow tent city for Sderot evacuees

gaydamak1.jpgRussian-Israeli billionaire Arkady Gaydamak is fuming at the Jerusalem municipality for refusing to allow him to construct a 3,000-person tent city in Yerushalayim; for Sderot evacuees. But that won’t stop this man, who will do everything to help evacuate terrorized families from Kassam hit city of Sderot. After the municipality refused to authorize the temporary tent city, the billionaire decided to build the 3,000-person tent city in Tel Aviv’s Yarkon Park.

6 Responses

  1. The government it seems would like the problem of Sderot to just “go away” quietly. As long as it’s not their ox being gored, they’ve got more important things to do than worry about damage, injury and an occasional killing by kassams in the backwater town of Sderot. Just ask Tsipi Livini, she’s too busy preparing more unilateral retreats from the West Bank to be bothered with the damage caused by the last one!

    I don’t know how much Gaydamak means lishmah. In any event he is doing an important service to the victims, and the whole country in general, by keeping this embarrassment on the front pages.

  2. The tent city should be erected on the Knesset Plaza or at least in front of a few of the biggest hotels in Jerusalem.

  3. There is one fact that is relevant to this case that is not mentioned in the post. The Jeruslaem Municipality, that is headed by Rav Eliyashiv’s protoge, Uri Lupolianski, offered to put the Sderot “refugees” up in hostels. Mr Gaydamak refused to let them be housed in the hostels which provide far and away better living condition than the tents.

  4. Gaydamak, a publicity seeker who is a front for some VERY unsavory characters, was offered a resort hotel to house the refugees. (Please see today’s Jerusalem Post). Instead, he wants to use them for his own publicity purposes by housing them in an uncomfortable tent city (which is also very insulting as they are mostly of North African origin and the tent city brings back very bad memories of the ma’abarot).

    This guy is no tzadik. He could care less for anyone but himself and his handlers.

  5. Another “tent-city.” Great, maybe the settlers from Gush Katif, in the adjacent “temporary (sic) tent-city,” can come over for a kosher bar-b-que.

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