F-35 Stealth Planes On Their Way To Israel

A ministerial committee headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak authorized the purchase of 20 F-35 stealth fighter jets on Thursday.

“Procuring the most advanced fighter jet in the world is a significant step towards bolstering the State of Israel’s military capability,” said Netanyahu.

The decision to purchase the fighter jets for about NIS 10 billion ($2.66 billion) was preceded by a series of long discussions. Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi and Air Force Commander Ido Nehushtan participated in Thursday’s meeting.

The plane is slated to become operational by 2015, but Israeli pilots will be able to train on them much prior to this in the US.

The F-35 fighter is considered the most advanced fighter jet today.

(Source: Ynet)

5 Responses

  1. brisker35 ,you got it all wrong . thanks to the h’k’b’h’ that he gave human beings the saichel to develop such mighty planes so that israel may keep its enemies at a safe distance.

  2. As long as u think that while the planes are dropping their bombs ur doing ok but if we really think like that we wouldn’t need these jets to begin with moshiach would of been here already si let’s not fool ourselves that we really think correctly however it is aseres yimei tishuva so we r supposed to do and think things which we don’t usually think and do

  3. You’re both right. We have to have emunah, but we still have to do our hishtadlus, and when it comes to something like this, having the latest-and-greatest fighter is a necessity.

    Just agav, they call it a stealth plane, it’s no more a “stealth” plane than the F-22 is, i.e. that’s not its main function. It just happens to have that capablility. I’d call it more of a multi-role fighter or as its really called, “Joint Strike” fighter.

  4. Brisker 35, when the Zionists go and eat breakfast, they also have some sinister intentions?
    Especially according to the Briskers, they need the planes, since the Briskers do not hold of giving up the Land.

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