Bibi Leaves DC After Peace Summit

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has taken off from the Andrews Naval Air Facility near Washington, several hours after a face-to-face meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

The two will meet again in two weeks in Sharm al-Sheikh, Egypt.

(Source: Ynet)

3 Responses

  1. Meet again in 2 weeks? In Egypt? Wrong time, wrong place, wrong purpose. Please send the PM the message: No Second Wansee Conference. Maybe Bibi doesn’t know about the Wansee Conference???
    To my fellow lovers of Torah: please e-mail the PM. If you have the time, EXPLAIN to him what the Wansee Conference was about.

  2. There was a report on debka earlier this week about Israel buying a MAJOR amount of fuel/jetfuel to be delivered in early October. The amount of fuel would be sufficient for getting to places east of EY which may need a visit from the IAF v’hamavin yovin.

    Perhaps Natanyahu was going along with this charade as partial payment to Obama ym’sh for his support of that mission???

    The haftora for shabbos chol ha’moed succos looms VERY large here & if you don’t know what the novi says, LOOK IT UP because its very scarey!

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