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Report: IDF soldiers have permanent illnesses after experiment

chemical attack.jpgIn a bizarre story making worldwide headlines today, dozens of IDF soldiers have been suffering from various illnesses over the last few years after participating in a secret IDF experiment meant to aid in the development of an anthrax vaccine. Illnesses ranged from skin tumors, severe lung infections, migraine headaches, bronchitis and even epilepsy symptoms.

Giora Martinovich, former chief medical officer for the Israeli military, went public after a television expose alleged that several test subjects had developed illnesses and then been neglected by state health services.

Martinovich told Israel Radio that the programme had been ordered amid fears of an anthrax attack by Iraq under Saddam Hussein, and because foreign-made vaccines were not available.

“It seemed clear that the Iraqis would use it (anthrax) against us,” he said. “It is not possible to buy, abroad, a large quantity of vaccine, which exists only in the United States or in England. Therefore the state of Israel had to develop its own vaccine.”

The Israeli Defence Ministry responded in a statement that all the subjects were volunteers who had been informed of the risks and could withdraw at will.

(Reuters/Haaretz/Arutz 7)

One Response

  1. Zionism has a long history of human experimentation; it is as long as the State’s sordid history, or around 60 years.

    This is one reason why making your own country is not as romantic as it sounds. Since Israel has so endeared themselves to the surrounding Arabs, Israel needs to do things like destroy the lives of its citizens in the Army and to subject them to human experimentation, on top of that.

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