Nationalistic murder in Tel Aviv

Two French immigrant brothers led Israeli police officers on Monday to their Tel Aviv apartment where the body of an Arab taxi driver was found in a pool of blood, in what appears to be a nationalistically motivated murder. The murdered driver has been identified as an Arab from East Jerusalem who had driven the two Jewish brothers to their Tel Aviv home where they convinced him to enter their flat. The police said the man’s throat had been slit. (Ynet)

11 Responses

  1. A yid cannot do that! Es ken nisht zayn! No way!

    Check the yichus. I would put money that they are ayno yehudi.

  2. rachmana letzlan
    if haz veshalom they are yidden
    probably had to leave france under extreme circumstances caused by
    arabs in their native country

  3. I am even bothered when the police who might know talk prematurely, some of the rhetoric above is uncalled for. the early report is:

    “It became clear from the beginning of the investigation that murderer and victim had no prior relationship. The victim turned out to be an Arab from East Jerusalem, and the suspect is a young Jewish man who recently became religious. For this reason we suspected that there was a nationalist motive behind the murder,” said the head of investigations at Yarkon District Police.

    Interviews like the one adjacent have an unfortunate linkage, often high;ighted particulalry by a left – leaning press, and on occasion, sadly, found to be accurate. Remember, chachamim hizharu beivraichaem is not idle advise!

  4. I cannot imagine a Jew picking a random Arab to murder in cold blood, even if they’ve done time in an Arab country/de facto autonomous area (like parts of France).

    There must be more to this story. This applies to almost everything one reads in the papers, and certainly to a story like this.

    Remember the infamous NY Times mess-up with Tuvia Goldstein and the Israeli soldier who was helping him up. The Times claimed that a soldier was beating a “Palestinian”, when exactly the opposite occurred – a “Palestinian” mob beat this guy, and, when he miraculously made it to safety, a soldier stood over him to protect him.

    Don’t believe everything you read.

  5. HaKatan – Well put.

    I would especially be cautious about believing anything printed, as this story is, in Haaretz, JPost, and Ynet.

  6. tov sbgoying tharog(toseftah in mgilah)
    but that real fact is that if this is true, then these two men are ‘rodfim’ they have indangered jew all over israel! I hope there is no backlase

  7. JOS’

    ‘The murdered driver has been identified as an Arab from East Jerusalem who had driven the two Jewish brothers to their ………’

    The left-wing newspapers you mentioned are anti Charedi not exclusivley anti Jewish! As shocking as it might be , and aside from their anti Frum sentiments, Haaretz normally delivers responsible journalism!


    ‘Dont beleive everything you read’

    True, everyone can make a mistake but the implication in your remark would be more suited to a tabloid article than to one written by any credible Israeli paper EVEN if there are some anti religious views.

  8. but that real fact is that if this is true, then these two men are ‘rodfim’ they have indangered jew all over israel! I hope there is no backlase

    I think this is a misconception. The are already trying their hardest to kill as many Jews as possible. There is nothing anyone can do to make them try harder. That said, I hope they lock this guy up and throw away the key.

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