Kosher Gym opens in Yerushalayim

kosher_gym.jpgSeems like the concept of the NY Kosher Gym is spreading worldwide. According to Arutz 7, a kosher gym was just opened in the frum community of Givat Shaul. The gym was set up without televisions so that no non-Tznius commercials will be seen.

8 Responses

  1. no, in moderation, and not too extreme, i dont think its bittul torah – its a mitzva to take care of ur body, its a bigger bittul torah to smoke then to excercise!!! V’nishmartem es Nafshosechem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont mean guys should worship their bodies and be muscle giants but in a normal way not too crazy…

  2. Maybe Brazil should open a Kosher Gym rather than a Mcdonalds!

    As far as commeciarls the Kosher Gym in Flatbush screens them out so there is no tznius issues.

    But the Kosher Womens Gym should start showing the Food Channel again. My wife needs some new recipes and it kept her motivated, and me motivated to babysit.

  3. bamkac Says:

    May 10th, 2007 at 11:52 am
    IS GYM Bittul Torah????

    its definatly less bitul torah then signing on to the internet reading this story and replying to it !!

  4. Kugel: You seem to have had too much kugel – go work out! 🙂

    Maybe Flatbusher is hoping for yemos hamashiach when he/she will go to Yerushalayim!

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