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Yerushalayim: Arab population growing twice as fast










The number of Arabs living in Yerushalayim grew twice as fast as the city’s Jewish population over the past decade, according to a report by an Israeli research institute. At current growth rates, Jews will comprise 60 percent of the city’s population by 2020 compared with 66 percent now, according to projections by the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies.

It said the Arab population would rise from 34 percent to 40 percent over the same period. 

The city’s population in 2007 stands at 720,000 people, a figure that includes east Jerusalem which was captured and later annexed by Israel after the 1967 war, as well as new districts built in the same area.

5 Responses

  1. I’ve got it! Let’s divide Jerusalem, so that the Jewish population in the city will balloon to 99%!! Brilliant!

    Probably Something Like Half the Knesset and Half of All Israelis

  2. Jerusalem will not remain under Zionist control for much longer. The UN has wanted to control it since 1947, and no one has recognized Israel’s annexation of “Traditionally (not) Arab East Jerusalem”.

    As a result, generally speaking, Jews will be the majority in their area and the Arabs in theirs.

  3. The birthrate B”H among the Torah population has tripled while the Eastern Arab women are winding down and some families have left to Jordan and USA, do not take information
    from the Jerusalem Institute for Israel studies – it is an ARAB NONSENSE ORG.

  4. Flatbusher:
    Great Idea!!!! Only that its against halacha to give away Jewish owned land to the enemies. Lets not forget there are also thens of thousands of Yidden living ion E. Jerusalem, outside of the old city.

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