Grave of Hordus Harasha found

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem has announced that they have located the grave of Hordus Harasha (King Herod) has been discovered at Herodium. Further details will be disclosed at a Tuesday morning press conference.

6 Responses

  1. Don’t take such announcements at face value. They are made using many assumptions that may later turn out to be incorrect.

  2. When the time comes, they should bury Yishmoel Daoud Weiss, Moussa Assad Friedcircuits, Moussa Bashar Beck, Ahmed Cohen, Moussa Hirsch, Yishmoel Hirsch, and all the other NK clowns on the right side of the rosho’s kever, and Olmert, Peretz, Peres, Beilin, and the rest of those clowns on his left.

  3. As Berel Wein describes him:

    The best builder & the biggest butcher.

    He rebuilt the 2nd temple to glory but killed thousands of Talmidei Chachomim including the whole sanhedrin (par 1) and as well his brother in law and mother.
    Herod was born to an Edomy man.

    There is a Machlokes who Agripas was, either a child / grandchild of Agripas, but he was a Tzadik, he reinstated chadorim and the sanhedrin and removed the maskilim. Even so the Gemoro in Soteh tells us that during his reign when he was in the Azoroh during Hakhel he started crying, and the Rabonim said, Agripas why are you crying, Ochinu Atoh, Ochinu Atoh, (you areour brother you are our brother), but the gemoroh says that (in their madreigoh) it was chanufa

  4. He was responsable for the death of the chashmonoim family. His wife was part of the family and he killed his wife and had his 2 children strangled.
    he was very bad for the jews that he was scared the jews will rejoice on the day of his death. he therefore decreed many jewish sages be killed on that day.

  5. Yanai hamelech did the same thing. He was Shimon ben Shetech’s brother in law.

    How long was it between Hordus’es death and his burial (my yoseephoon is not handy at the moment) It seems that either they built his procession route long before or the body sat for a few weeks. because the immensity of the funeral route could not have been done overnight.

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