Mickey Mouse the terrorist

mm hamas.jpgHe looks like Mickey Mouse and sounds like Mickey Mouse, but what he’s saying is hardly the fairytale stuff of Disney. A Mickey Mouse look-alike named Farfur is teaching Palestinian children the ABCs of terror on Hamas’ official television station, Al-Aqsa TV.

On the weekly program “Tomorrow’s Pioneers,” Farfur and a young girl name Saraa’ tell children to pray five times each day and drink their milk, while urging the children to “resist” the “oppressive invading Zionist occupation.”

Their message is of hatred toward Jews, hatred toward Israel, hatred to America as well.

Excerpts from episodes that aired last month show the squeaky voiced mouse egging on children with nationalistic fervor.

“We, tomorrow’s pioneers, will restore to this nation its glory, and we will liberate Al-Aqsa, with Allah’s will, and we will liberate Iraq, with Allah’s will, and we will liberate the Muslim countries, invaded by murderers,” Farfur says in one episode that aired in April.

The message seems to be working. Poems and songs submitted by young viewers contain violent imagery. “Rafah sings ‘Oh, oh,’” one caller says as Farfur mimes carrying a rifle. “Its answer is an AK-47.”


9 Responses

  1. Soon the cat,the Lion, Aryeh Yehuda,will kill the mouse! Disguised as cute and friendly,under the mask,the real cruel monster. The cats will overcome with G-D ‘s help.

  2. I heard that Walt Disnet was no Ohaiv Yisroel either. He might be shepping nachas from his rodent right now as he’s roasting in Gehinnom. Wasn’t it Disney World that refused to fly an Israeli Flag among all the other nation’s flags. I’m not Zionist, but I don’t think Walt was a talmid of the VYoel Moshe either…

  3. I forwarded it to Disney Corporate for infringement of copyright. This might be one case where we get to see if the pen is indeed mightier than the sword.

  4. This is sick. Hmmm I wonder why this isn;t over CNN. For some reason they only have enough time to discuss the “oppression” of the Israeli occupiers.

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