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Yerushalayim: 40 people injured in riot at stadium

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10:48PM (Israeli time): More than 30 MDA ambulance were needed this evening at the Teddy Stadium in Yerushalayim, when fans tried to rush to the field and riot following a match between the Beitar and Petach Tikvah soccer teams. At least two people are reported to be in critical condition, including a young boy. MDA treated more than 40 injured fans.

UPDATE: The Israel Police Chief David Cohen has announced that a special investigation into this incident would be set up on Monday morning.

11 Responses

  1. Refuah shelaimo to all those innocent people who were hurt. This is a sad event when a clash of cultures takes place in Eretz haKedosha.
    This is an examle of Tum’ah in a place dedicted for kedusha,the two cannot co-exist. It’s the Chashmonoyim vs. the Hellenists. why does the “Jewish” state have to be like the nations? The world doesn’t differentiate between secular Israeli and Jewish B’nei Torah;and this,on Lag B’Omer…SHALOM AL YISROYEL!!

  2. Ridiculous and insane. Let the teams play, cheer, eat popcorn, listen to some music on your ipod, and keep the temper under control. “Boys will be boys”, but this is too much.

  3. To proud KAJ: unfortunately, we must have gashmyos in the world…our dor couldnt possibly survive kulei kedusha…learn mesechas Yomah and see the preparations that the kohen godol needed before entering the kodesh kodoshim…a place kooley kodosh…;
    I heard that the rioters were mostly argentinian hooligans! These people are bringing their middos into eretz yisroel and must be stopped!!

  4. i am surprised at how fast gezint and menucho judges argentinias and automatically decides that they are the hooligans that caused this atrocity
    it seems to me that such actions would be avoided if the soccer league punishes the teams by making them play in empty stadiums as it is done over the world
    again i dont think that “foreign” jews could act like animals

  5. I think both gezint and proud KAJ have good points.

    Organized sports is authentic Hellenism, other than the “civilization” the nations of the world have achieved since those times. It is quite ironic to see Jews bring this willingly to Eretz HaKodesh when the Chashmonaim risked everything to get rid of Hellenism and its threat to religious life.

    On the other hand, people do need an outlet, and watching a ball game is as pareve an outlet as one can find among the goyim.

    Personally, when we just read in Kedoshim “ViLo Sakee HaAretz Eschem BiTamaachem Osah”, I don’t believe that sports stadiums is the big problem, there, in Israel.

  6. i am surprised how gezint and menucho jumps and tells us it was argentinians how can he say that a day after lag baomer
    after r’ akiva tought us all veachvta……..
    the solution is punish the teams have them play in empty stadiums
    as for for gezintandmenucho i really sugest you work on your midos

  7. One thing is for sure. The great-grandfathers of these hooligans were ehrlicher Yidden in the old country, wherever that was. This is the product of the secular and Zionist malaise that has been so detrimental to Am Yisroel over the past 100 – 150 years.

    All we can hope for is “veshavu bonim legvulom” as we do our best to reach out to these sadly degraded Jewish neshomos.

  8. Bogotaneryid:

    I happen to agree with you in this case. However I remember on the thread about Gun Control, you praised Gezint’ for being the only commentator who understands and perceives everything with common sense.

    Is it a coincedence that his attack on ‘SOUTH AMERICANS’ somewhat altered your admiration of his views??

  9. ITZIK
    How easy it is to research Yiddishkeit in Europe and find out that a large percentage of great and alter great grandparents were, to use a pleasant word, traditional and far from religious? Sort of destroys all the preconceived notions of yours.
    I am in agreement – Let us reach out with LOVE & UNDERSTANDING to these Jewish neshomos who are yearning for emes.

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