Monday Afternoon News Briefs From EY

Tel Aviv: A young man fell approximately 25 feet and was lightly injured. He was brought to the trauma center in the Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer.

Beit Shemesh: A child was moderately injured after being hit by a car. Ichud Hatzolah and  MDA Jerusalem treated the victim and transported him to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem.

Tiveria: Four boys drifted into the Kinneret and were rescued by Ichud Hatzala with a rescue boat. MDA crews were waiting to check them when they arrived on the beach.

Meron: A 5-year-old lightly was lightly to moderately injured when a door slammed shut up on her hand. She was transported to the hospital by MDA.

Route 6: A driver was moderately wounded when he was trapped in his car after a collision with a truck. The accident occurred between  Ben Shemen and Nachshonim. MDA , Ichud Hatzala and Petach Tikva Firefighters combined forces to rescue him from the car. The driver was then brought to Beilinson Hospitan, in Petach Tikva.

Chadera: The Chadera Fire Brigade put out a large fire after some weeds ignited. No casualties were reported.

Tel Aviv: A 70 year old woman was found dead in a lot behind an apartment building. The body was brought to the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Abu Kabir to examine the cause of death.

Ashdod: A 60-year-old man was seriously injured from heat stroke. A MDA ambulance transported him to Kaplan Hospital.

Gaza: An explosion occurred last night at the home of a senior Hamas official in Gaza, killing two and wounding 24. The cause of the explosion is not clear.

Ramle: a 50-year-old man was found dead in Ramle. The cause of death is being investigated, there is a suspicion that he overdosed on drugs.

Ma’aleh Gilboa: In Ma’aleh Gilboa toward Route 90, a truck rolled over injuring both of its passengers. One of the passengers were severely injured, the other was slightly to moderately injured. MDA provided treated and transported the injured to Emek Hospital in Afula.

Eilat: Five rockets were fired on Eilat this morning. According to the reports, 3 fell into the Red Sea and 2 landed in open areas near the city. No casualties were reported.

Be’er Sheva: A man of about 30 died last night after choking on food. A MDA Doctor was on the scene, but was unable to save him.

(Shlomo Chaim Kornfield / YWN Israel)

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