Search and rescue teams are currently operating at Nachal Banias (Golan Heights), in search of a two year old girl who went missing. The girl went missing while on an outing with her family. Rescue personnel are concerned that she has been swept up in the Jordan river’s and drowned. (HNN)
UPDATE 10:44 EST (Motzei Shabbos): The body of the child was R”L recovered on Shabbos morning……..
4 Responses
Let everyone who reads this, please say a kappital tehillim for this girl’s safety.
Besuros Tovos and please keep us informed
unfortunately they found her body this morning. she drowned. she was a beautiful child and i”h it will be a kapara for the rest of us
Any updates?
Levaya was sunday morning in kiryat shemona where the father is a rebbe in the high school