Solution to Chillul Shabbos at Meron: ‘Druze cops’

bonfire small.jpgFollowing concerns about potential Chillul Shabbos this year at Meron, a Police official has assured the Israeli Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger that security would be provided mostly by Druze policemen. In addition, the Jewish police officers that are scheduled to provide security in Meron on Motzei Shabbos & Sunday, will be brought to the location before Shabbos and housed nearby. (Ynet)

7 Responses

  1. the chasam sofer and the sde chemed both write that lag baomer is not the yorzeit of rashbi….haybt soch nisht on…. look it up
    it is a huge mistake that was somehow taken on and expanded

  2. the police chief states “most” of the police will be druze

    since when do we go “bassar roiv” in such a situation?

  3. to LEVEL2: the chasam Sofer ZY”A never said that lag ba’omer wasnt the yahrzeit of RSHBY…what he DID say is that he doesnt see why such simcha should occur on the Tanna’s yahrzeit…

  4. If you look at the Teshuva from Chsam Sofer – he writes that he would refrain from going to Meron on Lag Baomer–I dont think he argues that its not the Yartzeit of Rabbi Shimon- Its just not a place to shep Yiras Shomayim- You can go a day later and have more Kvana without the turmoil over there

  5. the minhas elozor was the one who was vehemently against going to meron, bonfires, etc. claiming it has no basis in halacha or minhag (though the arizal would go every year , and gave his son a haircut in meron on lag baomer).

    the druze have no holidays, except for lag baomer. they claim they are descended from yitro, and since the rashbi is descended from moshe rabbenu, this is their only “relative”, thus their only holiday. (details of druze belief are scarce, since they consider it all to be a secret, whatever that means.)

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