With more than a half a million people set to visit Meron this coming Sunday, the Israeli Tourism Ministry is increasing its fiscal participation in anticipation of the Lag BaOmer festivities, but local authorities are threatening not to hold the event at all (Arutz 7 report).
The head of the local Regional Council, has ordered the Kever area closed until further notice. This was done in light of police claims that the Holy Sites Association has not provided the necessary permits and approvals guaranteeing the safety of the site.
Frantic efforts are underway to rectify the situation.
35 Responses
they tried this shtick last year too
have no fear
כדי הוא ר שמעון לסמוך עליו בשעת הדחק
Permits??? Only in our Holy Land would Jews need permits to pray and celebrate Holidays. The anit religious government must go! This is not a case of your religious and some are not, this is outright hatred to Torah Yidden.
May H”B grant us Moshiach quickly in our time
Not that I am encouraging anything chas v’sholom but riots are more costly.
Learn the Gemorrah in Shabbos 33 about shimon Bar Yachai
tt: i don’t know if u were in meron lately on lag baomer but i’ll tell u that lag baomer in eretz yisroel is not considered a “frum” yom tov it’s national and there plenty chilonim going up to meron every year
Even if there was a government with ministers with “Vaisse zocken” it would not do. The government must be replaced by Mashiach ben David
Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t, but I can see how it might be necessary to have permits when you’re dealing with a) a large number of fires and b) a large number of people and c) bringing the large number of people and fires not far from population centers where people want to kill you.
If something bad happened, everyone would point to the local government for not making sure things were safe. Maybe the whole thing is political or otherwise not genuine, but from the story, at least I can’t tell one way or another so I’d give them the benefit of the doubt. I think it says that somewhere in the Torah…
for all our fellow readers who are not getting all the info. there is major deliberations going on amongst the various (self) appointed organazations as to how to arrange this years hilula. the issue is when to start the festivities,being that lag baomer falls out this year after shabbos and the police has to come and set up their installations causing massive chillul shabbos to secure the huge crowd expected .the latest weve heard is that the egged buses will not leave until 1.5 hours after shabbos ends.dont know what the other bus services are doing.others say that if people start coming b4 4am the police wont have time and will be ‘forced’ to be michalel shabbos. i’m hoping people will understand the ramifications of their actions and delay the trip up until the morning.r shimon himself said that had klal yisroel kept 2 shabossos….personally i know many people who are skipping the trip this year ukdai hu r’s lismoch aluv …..
IMHO all this bon-fire stuff has gotten way out of hand. Whatever the Tzaddikkim and Mekubalim did on Lag Ba’omer, 100 plus years ago I’m sure they never envisioned this “drunken party” atmosphere that seems to be too much a part of it today.
And unsupervised bon-fires all around the country should be banned outright. They are air polluting and a hazard to people and property.
t.t. if you had ever been to meron on log BaOmer, then you would know that 75% of the people who come are not frum. The chillionim come weeks before in order to get the best spot for their tents. They bring with them livestock, which they shecht behind the main building in an outdoor shechting house. The bottom of the hill is set up with hundreds of stands selling food (a lot of which don’t have reliable hechshers).
A lot of people don’t go because they want to be mispalal at the kever of rsby; a lot go because of the huge parting that goes on there. B.H. All the pictures that the media shows us are the 25% of frum people that are there, who do come for the right reasons. One day you will have the zechus to be there on log BaOmer and see what I mean.
Its not as terrible as it sounds. You can always come to stolin on 16th!!!
or stolin in lakewood
dont talk negtively about gods children….. he takes it very personally.
if you dont wanna go, im quite sure they are not drafting you.
כדי הוא ר שמעון לסמוך עליו בשעת הדחק” if thats not good enough for you, nothing will be
well I heard from very reliable sources that since Lag Beomer comes out on Motzia Shabbos this year, there might be tremendous chillul shabbos by the police and egged so the Boyaner Rebbe, who lights the bonfire, suggested to not have it at all this year unless there are garuntees that there will be no chillul shabbos
altercocker Says
i assume that you have not been in miron over the last few years
no more tents
no more shichita
not much carnival
just thousands and bl”eh of haimishe yidin
כשמו כן הוא
you can not imagine the amount of kirruv that goes on in meeron,,,,, why are we sooo upset that the non-frum crowd gets to witness what is arguably the greatest kiddush hashem of the year.
everyone has theyre level of frumkeit and kashrus that they adhere to,, some more and some less. everyone is encouraged to do their very best.
kechoo emuchem devarim v’shuvu el hashem…. were there to help find these lost neshumos… its what will bring the geulah. its clear that god wants more then we have for him right now. so lets get over there and save just one. (kol hamatzil nefesh echud mi’yisroel, k’illu hitzil olam mallei
chazal teach us “kul hapoisel, bemoomoi posel” if you dont think your yiddishkeit is on a level to be by reb shimon (and i know there are nisyonos) then it is a mitzvah for you not to go and i promise reb shimon will understand (there are many beautiful hadlakos in new york) . there are those that feel they are on that level.
but chas v’sholom dont make light of the inyan of spending lag beomer in meeron.
ribono shel olam, ad masai ??
Your attitude is beautiful! May we have many mamarochels in K’lal Yisroel.
One small point. Please forgive me. I don’t want to pick. There is a lot of short hand in typing. A lot of us don’t capitalize any words. It just doesn’t seem right for a person who clearly has a life centered on emunah and bitachon to write G-d with a small ‘g.’ It’s just English, but that is the way that we talk about false gods.
May you be g’bentched in b’ruchnius u’b’gashmius!
Maybe the whole problem of the lack of permits is bashert , because it can be an answer to the question of chillul shabbos.
Would someone please explain what the chillul shabbos would be?
To bamkac:
B’mchilas kvodchem, it is REBBI Shimon ben Yochai.
It seems that the chilul Shabbos, r’l, is that in order to get the security in place for the Jews who’ll start showing up shortly after havdalla, the police will have to come and set up Shabbos afternoon.
this is just another anti-chareidi thing beong done by self hating jews its another way to try to get the frum not to observe a minhag even though youre not michuyav to go there its just their way of saying ha we got you this time
To Monsey guy, chilul Shabbos would be the tens of thousands of soldiers and police who would be arriving on Shabbos to protect all the people there.
To Choloshis218, It may be true that the Boyaner Rebbe will not be going, but the Soliner Rebbe and most others will be going.
I dont see what all the negativity is that its “mostly fry” crowds. B’H they come, chap arein and be mikarev them!!! There are literly thousands of Lubavitchers and Breslovers doing that, join em’.
Yosi Bishuk:
Your crticism to Mama R’ was perfectly suitable. I would also like to add that the word ‘god’ refers to false gods and NOT Chas vishoelem the Ribono Shel Olam, besides that it wasnt capatilized.
Lag B”eomer’ should be capatilized as well and yes, one more thing, isnt it written ‘KOL HAMIKAYIM NEFESH ACHAS BIYISROEL KIEELO KIYEM OILEM MOLEH’,???
monseyguy – could be that since it takes several hours to travel there from most of the country some Israelis would head out before shabbos ended. Also the police would have to get there on shabbos as well (in thier cars, etc.) to set up all the crowd control barriers and the traffic control stuff too. Then of course many people there might light fires before Shabbos ends. I hear it not being so pushut this year. If they made sure no festivities started before 1AM or so perhaps much chilul shabbos could be avoided and people would still have a good 4 hours or so to dance at night.
monseyguy : All the hundreds of police and bus drivers that will start working on shobbos 2 prepare 4 the crowds motzei shabbos!!!
y cant the police secure the area from friday afternoon & solve the proble
if in fact so many are allready there for shabbos kodesh should they be there too?
tens of thousdands of people will be there over Shabbos, including all the Stoliner Chasiddim, that is part of the issue, police will have to be there as long as the people are there.
Lets not forget that there are many Israeli Arabs who live in the area and roma around freely all year, well over Lag B’omer they do not let any of them even come close. The area is secured for miles.
Last year I watched an Arab trying to take a short cut through one of the parking lots (1 mile away from the crowds) and he was hammered by security. His complaint: I am here every single day since I was 6, why cant I use the shortcut today? Point is, to stop any possibility of terror happening at the largest gathering of Yidden in the modern times (800,00 people) there needs to be a massive police force working on this for many days in advance.
My apologies for grammatical errors. I did not mean to disrespect “G-d” or “Lag Ba’omer”.
I believe that there are a few different girsa’s for that maimar Chazal. But we can use “kul hamekayem” 🙂
Your criticisms are well taken. After all, “a yid darf essen voo a yid, un redden voo a yid, un shreiben voo a yid, un shluffen voo a yid, un veinen voo a yid, un lachen voo a yid”
May we all be zoicha tzu lachenen azoi vee yiden b’korov b’yomeinu.
any news with this?
The Chsam Sofer in Yirei Deah writes that a if he would live in Israel he would refrain from going to Meron on Lag Baomer- due to Pritzus and other things and this is 200 years ago KV to today a Ehrliche Yid does not Shep any Yiras Shmayim there on Lag Baomer- You can go the following day and be Yotze too
to sabra:
you’re right, start security from before shabbos. It’s no different than guarding the border crossing. If there are so many yidden there from before shabbos than they should have started preparing for this and securing the area from today. I really don’t understand.
The Chasam Sofer in Teshuvos Yirei Deah writes that he would refrain from going to Meron on Lag Baemer – and this is 175 years ago – Kal Vcomer to today what goes on there