Polls: Most Israelis want Olmert to resign

olmert sad.jpgA poll conducted by Haaretz a day after the release of the Winograd report revealed that about 40% are hoping for new elections. According to a Yediot Achront poll 51% think new elections should be held, while 23% would like the leadership to change without elections. A Ynet poll had 65% saying Olmert should resign.

In Haaretz’s regular bimonthly poll about how many Knesset each party should receive if elections were held now, Likud is in the lead with 30 seats. The Labor party follows with 21 seats.

Benjamin Netanyahu was also chosen as the person respondents would most like to have as prime minister with over a quarter (26%) choosing him, followed by Peres with 11%, Livni at 10%, and Barak and Olmert with only 6% each.

4 Responses

  1. Nobody likes the Clown named Olmert, put in a real leader that is not corrupt, and would expell the Arabs who are vile subhumans from our land.

  2. Lefi Anias Daati, it appears that the Ribono Shel Olam may be punishing those who uprooted fellow Jews (mostly Frum, who were Moser Nefesh for the Mitzvah of Yishuv Eretz Yisrael) from their homes in Eretz Yisrael and handed over the homes and the land to terrorists, the worst Sonei Yisrael.

    We hope and pray that the Ribono Shel Olam — with His Midas HaChesed — will give us leaders faithful to Him and His Torah HaKedoshah, and that they will help us achieve the Bias Goel Tzedek and the Geulah Shleimah, BB”A.

  3. I am a big supporter of this great country the Ribono Shel Olam gave to us. The problem is that each new government is more corrupt than the one before filled with even bigger behamos.

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